The Secret Wife-Psych Thriller-Available Now

The Secret Wife is the type of psych thriller that leaves me thinking “what the heck did I just read?”

It is an uneven story, and some of the author’s choices do not ring true, but ultimately, I do recommend this book.

Here are some details to explain why. Let’s get the bad out of the way first.

The writing is simplistic. There are incidents that seemingly do not connect to each other. Character reactions are not realistic. Actions taken by Michael and Cara (the main characters) do not seem to be productive.

I have more than a few notes where I thought “no way would a person do that in this situation.” And I still don’t think there is a lot of depth to either of the characters. Some traits just appear in the story with no background.  

In short, the author doesn’t seem to have focus, as plot points come and go and the story meanders.

But there are enough clues that hint at an undercurrent – something more is going on in this story than meets the eye.

And that is exactly why I recommend it.

You will probably spend a large portion of it wondering what the heck is going on. This is especially true as Cara suddenly proves herself to be a completely unreliable narrator.

And suddenly, what seems like a simple kidnapping case (no spoiler, it’s literally in the blurb) takes on a more sinister turn.

What is Michael hiding? Why is he nervous about going away with his daughters? What is Cara’s real mindset? And who is the strange man she keeps seeing?

As the answers to these questions are revealed, the action picks up, and the last third of the book is totally gonzo.

I mean, some of it still isn’t plausible. And I am not sure the author did enough to drop clever hints that pointed toward the resolution.

But The Secret Wife does make up for the questions that popped up throughout the previous parts of the story. And the very end is satisfying, if not more than a little crazy.

But that’s what someone wants in a good psych thriller, right?  

Author Bio 

Emily Shiner always dreamed of becoming an author but first served her time as a banker and a teacher. After a lifetime of devouring stacks of thrillers, she decided to try her hand at writing them herself. Now she gets to live out her dream of writing novels and sharing her stories with people around the world. She lives in the Appalachian Mountains and loves hiking with her husband, daughter, and their two dogs.

Emily writes psychological thrillers. The Secret Wife will be her first novel published with Inkubator Books.

The Women of Pearl Island-Fiction-Available Now

The Women of Pearl Island is difficult to categorize.

It is part family drama. Tartelin is trying to recover from the death of her mother. Marianne has memories of her family on the island. Both women form a new type of family as they learn to trust each other.

It is part mystery. What is the significance of Tartelin’s birthmark? Is Marianne’s memory correct? What was the British government up to? What is Marianne’s obsession with the butterflies?

And what does everything have to do with everything else?

Yes, I know that is usually a consideration in any book. After all, an author must weave a story and make connections. But for some reason, this seems to take a bigger role in The Women of Pearl Island.

It is not a book that you can read passively or try to sneak in chapters here or there. It is one that should be enjoyed in long stretches or all at once. Immersing yourself in the language and style of the story is pivotal (in my opinion).

For example, the author is great with description. The reader feels the island surroundings as if they are there next to Tartelin.

Interestingly, I also have a distinct feeling of The Island of Dr. Moreau. Maybe because of the word “island” in the title? Of course, it is possible the author intends for the reader to make the connection.

But an island where strange things once occurred, and people try to uncover the truth? The vibe is there.

Overall, I liked this book. However, I think I would have enjoyed it much more if I had read it the way I mentioned above. I wish I could have totally immersed myself and read it in one sitting. It was that good.

But again, future readers take note. The Women of Pearl Island is much more enjoyable if you visit the island in the fewest sittings possible.

Author Bio: 

Polly Crosby grew up on the Suffolk coast, and now lives deep in the Norfolk countryside. She currently holds the Annabel Abbs Scholarship at the University of East Anglia, where she is studying part time for an MA in Creative Writing. THE WOMEN OF PEARL ISLAND is her second novel.

I’ll Never Tell-Thriller-Available Now

I’ll Never Tell is a mixed bag of reading. It is difficult to write a review when there are good points but also clear issues. I’ll give it a try

On the plus side, the premise is good. It is no spoiler to say that Alessia and her friend Sarah did a bad thing when they were younger, but only Alessia paid the price. As a result, she has to rebuild her life under a new identity – just to obtain a sense of normalcy.

But that peace is shattered (literally and figuratively) early in the book. From there, the story is twisty and has some good moments.

The author does a good job of highlighting Alessia’s stress as she struggles to maintain her current (almost perfect) life with her guilt and the secrets she hides. That is very clear and adds to making Alessia a sympathetic character.

It is also apparent from the beginning that Sarah is no good, a bad influence, and everything that goes along with those cliches. But is she really the one who is out to destroy Alessia’s peaceful life?

This is where I think the author falters a bit. While the premise remains good, there is a lot of exposition. The reader is told things instead of being able to experience them along with the characters.

The method of storytelling results in a sense of removal from the action. This makes it difficult to get remain “in the story” as the pace picks up.

As a result, it is easy for an astute reader to figure out who is responsible for what. It is a shame because there is a lot of promise in the beginning.

I will also identify the obligatory triggers of abuse and how trauma shapes a person’s mental health. These are present as plot points – thoughtfully and not with sensationalism or shock value. But they are present.

Wrapping up, I think I’ll Never Tell is a great story that could have been told in a more enjoyable manner. I still recommend it, as the storyline saves the day.

Also by this author: No Escape

I'll Never Tell author headshot
Facebook:  OfficialCaseyKelleher
Instagram: caseykelleher
Twitter: @caseykelleher

Author Bio:

Born in Cuckfield, West Sussex, Casey Kelleher grew up as an avid reader and a huge fan of author Martina Cole.

Whilst working as a beauty therapist and bringing up her three children together with her husband, Casey penned her debut novel Rotten to the Core. Its success meant that she could give up her day job and concentrate on writing full time.

The Life She Wants-Psych Thriller-Available Now

The Life She Wants might be a psych thriller that is confusing to some readers.

There is a prologue, then current action, then a trip to 2015 from an unknown point of view, more action…and that’s all in Part One!

Part Two then takes the reader back in time, but even that flips between two different years. And then in Part Three, the action is back in the current time.

Oh, and in each part, there are different points of view within the chapters. But the reader is not clear on who the PoV is from.

It may seem like it would all be very confusing. But, strangely enough, I was not confused in the narrative a single time.

I always read chapter titles (if there are any), and that definitely kept me on track in this story.

However, the author also does a fantastic job of keeping everything moving along at a good pace. The characters have clear actions and motivations.

The only part that felt a little draggy was Part Two. But I think that was because of the bigger time leap. I was anxious to get back to the present time and see where everything was going to lead.

Why? Because my notes indicate no fewer than seven different theories as to motivations and responsibility for events. So, in that regard, the author definitely keeps the reader guessing!

This is an interesting review to write. As I re-read it, I am realizing that none of the characters really stuck with me. I was more involved in the plot itself and the way it would be resolved.

Which is actually kinda cool. That means the plot is enough to keep my attention without having to have heavy character development.

At the same time, I do feel like that is a bit lacking. The reveals occur late in the book (obviously). But at that point, the characters are known liars. That makes it a little bit difficult to know what the truth is and what is part of the deception.

Like this author’s previous book, Ten Days, the author explores if past trauma is indicative of present behavior – or can people change?

But again, I’m not sure how much that matters, because the story is just so good.

I’m going to conclude that The Life She Wants is simply a different type of psych thriller. But it is still one you should definitely take a look at!

Facebook: MelSherrattauthor/
Instagram: mel_sherratt/
Twitter: @writermels

Author Bio:

Mel Sherratt is the author of fifteen crime novels. They all have become bestsellers and have sold over 1.5 million books. 

For the past four years, she has been named as one of Stoke-on-Trent’s top 100 influential people. Shortlisted for the Crime Writer’s Association Dagger in the Library in 2014, she regularly appears at festivals.

She lives in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, with her husband and terrier, Dexter.

Mystery Thriller-The New Wife-Available Now

Sometimes a book seems more like a mystery thriller than a psychological thriller. I often wonder what decisions go into determining the genre.

A case in point is this book.

While there are touches of psych thriller along the way, I feel that it is more of a mystery. As Georgie protects her son and asks questions about the tragedy, the clues feel more like a whodunit.

Other readers may have a different opinion. I think it would depend on whether or not they go in thinking it will be very mind-twisty or mystery thriller twisty.

And yes, there is a difference.

There are plenty of twists in the book and not all of my theories were correct. The plot is just complex enough to be entertaining.

Memories play a big part in the story. Georgie is constantly thinking back on past experiences with the Jacksons. She does have a particularly interesting observation early on, that memories are not always reliable.

Are they our own memories, or do stories that people tell us, become the memories instead? Where does one end and the other begin?

That plays a big part in the plot as well. Georgie eventually realizes that due to her situation, she has allowed other stories to taint her memories (no spoiler there).

As the author lays the groundwork, the action is slow for a good part of the book. However, as Georgie approaches the truth and finds more answers, the story picks up.

I think that is why I was surprised by the big revelation at the end. It was abrupt and flew in suddenly. And then we moved to the epilogue (which felt a bit forced).

The characters are strong, however, and there are some good wrap-ups with earlier storylines. Grief is also a main theme, with each character acting accordingly to their points of view.

Overall, I did enjoy this book. I would recommend it as a mystery thriller. With this perspective, see if you can figure out the culprit!  

Other books by this author:

mystery thriller author headshot

Author Bio:

Sue Watson was a TV Producer at the BBC until she wrote her first book and was hooked.

Now a USA Today bestselling author, Sue explores the darker side of life, writing psychological thrillers with big twists.

Psych Thriller-The New Family-Available Now

This psych thriller needs to go to the top of your TBR list.

Do what you must do. One-click it, buy it, find it…READ IT!

I am not exaggerating when I say that this psych thriller is one of the best I have read in recent memory. It has absolutely everything a person could want in the genre.

The author does a masterful job of laying out plot threads that are seemingly unrelated. The connections only become clear when the author is ready for them to be revealed.

The structure of the storytelling helps this parallel narrative. The chapters alternate between Brooke in 2019 and Christina in 2018. For at least half the book, it is not apparent how the two are related.

I mean, the reader knows that they are (they have to be). But the author gives up no clues before it is time.

I literally had an “AHA” moment when I saw the first connection. I think I even yelled it, startling the cat that was curled up next to me.

That is how involved in this story I became.

I can’t talk too much about the plot because I really do NOT want to give anything away. I know I am repeating myself from previous reviews, but if ever there was a time to go into a book blindly, this is the one.

It is difficult to talk about how fantastic the book is without giving details, but seriously, I don’t want to blow any surprises.

What can I safely say? The way that Brooke uncovers what is really going on is natural and fits the story. She is not a superhero – in fact, she is someone overcome with grief and guilt.

But she has good sense. And her artistic eye allows her to see details that other people may miss. Even with that, though, she is still piecing together parts of the puzzle on the very last page.

And what an intricate puzzle it is.

By the time all is revealed, the reader is as breathless – and as blindsided – as Brooke is. There are even moments where you will want to flip back to earlier pages, wondering if you missed something.

Chances are you probably did. But that is by design. And the author did an excellent job of those types of “hidden in plain sight” clues.

Honestly, I know that I am rambling. But I am trying to think of other things that can sell how great this psych thriller is and how you HAVE TO READ IT!

If you are a reader who likes to make note of theories throughout a book, this is one for you. I must have at least a dozen in my notes. They kept changing with new pieces of information. And only parts of a few of them are correct.

In re-reading this review, I realize that it sounds hyperbolic, which is unusual for me. But I can’t say enough good things about it.

Go read this psych thriller now. I mean it. Straight to the top of my best reads of the year list.

Other psych thriller novels by this author:

Author Bio and Social Media 

Victoria Jenkins is an English tutor and former secondary school teacher from South Wales who has been writing for years and day-dreaming about becoming a ‘proper’ writer for the past decade. She have an MA in Creative and Media Writing from the University of Wales, Swansea, where she wrote a lot of poetry while planning a lot of plots she hoped she would once day write. Victoria lives in South Wales with her husband.

Historical Fiction-From the Dark We Rise-Available Now

I have made no secret that historical fiction intrigues me. There is so much fodder and untold stories abound.

Case in point, this trilogy.

The first book in the series (A Light in the Window) was engaging and I was surprised to see that it would be a trilogy. Here we have the second book, and once again, the author tackles the ugly history from a unique perspective.

If you have not read the first book, you may want to skip this review and just go pick it up so you can read it for yourself. If not, this is a warning that this review gives away plot points from the first book.  

Margarete continues her charade as Annagret. She has absolutely no choice but to do so. The opening chapters are heavy with recap, but that is to be expected.

The connection between the first and second books is tenuous. It takes a while for Margarete (as Annagret) to remember the promise she made at the end of the first book. But one event changes that.

Margarete sees how easily her life could be very different – if she still had a life at all. And from that point, the story becomes brisker.

Sometimes we need a stark reminder to goad us to action, and that is what happens to Margarete. She recognizes herself in Lena and knows she needs to do…something.

She is clever in the steps that she takes, and it is fortunate that she receives help from both Lena and Dora. Their involvement is another reminder that good people had to do bad things for their own survival.

However, the specter of atrocities always hovers. And when Margarete sees a familiar face, she knows she has to kick her plan into higher gear.  

Margarete walks a tightrope with her charade, and the reader walks along with her. Every time she thinks she is caught, the tension rises. Ultimately, this becomes a page-turner to see how Margarete progresses with her ruse.

To me, this takes more focus than the plot points for the story itself. But that is probably a personal thing.

This historical fiction novel mimics history in that the reader knows there is more to come. It ends in a similar fashion to the first book.

I look forward to seeing how Margarete’s plan works out in the end.

Facebook: AutorinKummerow
Instagram: marionkummerow
Twitter: MarionKummerow

Author Bio:

Marion Kummerow was born and raised in Germany, before she set out to “discover the world” and lived in various countries. In 1999 she returned to Germany and settled down in Munich where she’s now living with her family.

Inspired by the true story about her grandparents, who belonged to the German resistance and fought against the Nazi regime, she started writing historical fiction, set during World War II. Her books are filled with raw emotions, fierce loyalty and resilience. She loves to put her characters through the mangle, making them reach deep within to find the strength to face moral dilemma, take difficult decisions or fight for what is right. And she never forgets to include humor and undying love in her books, because ultimately love is what makes the world go round.

The Cranberry Inn-Small Town Romance-Available Now

The Cranberry Inn is the latest small-town romance novel by author Barabara Josselsohn and it is perfect timing for the holidays.

By now, reading a small-town romance set in Lake Summers feels like taking a vacation. The location is familiar, the characters are pleasant, and the stories are always sweet.

Oh, and I can’t forget the HEAs. Never underestimate the power of a good “happily ever after,” especially these days.

And what more perfect time of year for one that is set around Christmastime?

There is not a lot that makes Laurel or Joel stand out, but that is not a bad thing. They are both real people that could step off the page into real life without skipping a beat.

I like that they are not dramatic or overdone. It makes it so much easier to enjoy their story.

The author cleverly uses Laurel’s profession as a springboard (and a metaphor) for her own life. There is some good decoration, and a few special pieces (like her son), but it is – for the most part – empty.

I think a lot of people can relate to that.

The action kicks in when Laurel returns to the Cranberry Inn (her childhood home) and finds her dad…not where is supposed to be. The resolution of that comes late in the book, but only when Laurel is ready for the reason for his disappearance.

Honestly, I love the way this author plots her books. Everything happens for a reason and in its good time.

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I liked Laurel and Joel both apart and together. As I have mentioned several times, the reader knows they are going to end up together. The fun and enjoyment are in going on the journey with them.

We get the usual interesting secondary characters as well. Another strength of this author is how perfectly she captures small-town life.

For those who have lived it, it’s a great reminder of the quirks and perks. For those who have never lived in a small town, it’s an accurate portrayal that allows them to live vicariously.

The biggest message I got from this story is that sometimes the best gifts are intangible. Second chances, time, and personal connections can be the greatest gifts of all.

I absolutely recommend The Cranberry Inn as a holiday season read. And while you’re at it, you should also take a look at other books set in Lake Summers:

Author Bio:
Barbara Josselsohn is an award-winning journalist and novelist who loves crafting stories about strong protagonists facing a fork in the road. Her novels center around second chances, family relationships and, of course, romance. She is the author of the Lake Summers series set in the fictional town of Lake Summers, nestled in the Adirondacks Mountains, which includes the books The Lilac House and The Bluebell Girls. Before joining with Bookouture, she published The Last Dreamer, a women’s-fiction novel from Lake Union Publishing, along with hundreds of articles and essays in major and regional publications about family, home and relationships. She lives just north of New York City and enjoys escaping to the beach or the mountains whenever she can. Other than writing, her biggest passion is her family: husband, her three kids, and her indefatigable shih-poo!

Family Drama-Her Silent Husband-Available Now

The blurbs for this fiction/family drama novel state that it is “emotional.” It is an emotional read. But I am not sure that it is the emotion they were going for.

The best parts of this novel are the lessons learned by the characters. In fact, as I am reviewing my notes for this book, I am seeing more and more. Here are just a few that I noticed:

Family: What is the meaning of family? What are the responsibilities of family members? What makes a family…well, a family?

Beth asks herself all of these questions over the course of the book. The position she finds herself in causes some serious introspection. In her case, it is much needed.

Assumptions: Don’t make them. Foundations are not built on them. Nothing good comes from them.

Both Beth and Gemma are guilty of seeing the other through assumptions instead of getting to know each other properly. Obviously, this causes much discord, which adds to the tragedy.

Respect: It is a vital component in any relationship. Beth does not show a lot to Drew and neither does Gemma. This is a direct cause of the event that opens the book.

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Honestly, I spent a lot of this book despising Beth. She came across as spoiled, shallow, and single-focused on her kids. Not that the latter is a bad thing, but it certainly skewed her perspective.

But, as Gemma comes to terms with Beth’s demeanor, I did too. Beth’s interactions with her family are also informative and shine light on why Beth is the way she is.

Interestingly, Gemma and Beth are more similar than either one realizes. They both let their pasts dictate their present instead of embracing the present for what it is.

And then this brings us to Drew.

I felt for him the most in this entire family drama because he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. Who wouldn’t fold in that situation?

A couple of subplots did not do a lot for me. For example, the reason for Tristan’s surliness (although that was a nice little twist towards the end) seems contrived.

And the number of kids in the family appeared more for convenience of the plot rather than depth (two of them didn’t have a lot to do with the story at all).

But as I said at the beginning of this review, the power of this family drama is in the messages and lessons it teaches. And frankly, the strongest one is at the very end.

One bit of kindness can open a whole new world of understanding between people. That is certainly something to remember, especially in the times we are living in.

If you are interested, you can find other family drama novels here and here.

Author Bio:
Sam Vickery is an English author who loves gritty, emotional stories that can make you sob. As a child, she was forever getting in trouble for being caught with her nose in a book, and these days are no different. She lives on the south coast of England with her husband, two children and a cat that thinks it’s a dog.

Psychological Thriller-The Widow-Available Now

You know how sometimes you read a psychological thriller and you have a fleeting thought about what is going on, but you dismiss it because you figure the author probably did not go there.

In this book, the author did go there.

However, the clues to the twist are so well hidden that I am not sure some readers will see them. I read a lot in this genre and (as I have mentioned) I like to challenge myself to see if I can outguess the author.

Anyway, this story starts with a forensic dig and then goes back in time roughly two months earlier. This is an effective way to tell the story because the reader knows something bad is going to happen (from the prologue).

But the author lays the detailed groundwork so that when the action reaches the point of the prologue, everything is clear.

Let me try to explain that better.

The first part of the book flows naturally. The story draws the reader in, but with the understanding that this “event” is going to eventually happen. And it does so in the natural course of the story.

And, as a reader wants in a psychological thriller, the reveal is nothing like what you think it might be. Well, maybe a little. But there are surprises for sure!

I think Kate is a strong figure. She has a lot to deal with but maintains her kind nature throughout most of the story. She only slips a little at the end, which seemed out of character. But I chalk it up to the amount of stress she is dealing with at the time.

The author weaves a sub-plot (with direct bearing on the main plot) about foreign laborers that is both informative and pivotal. This is a unique perspective that I think is probably still quite accurate in real life.

There were a couple of moments that don’t ring exactly true to me, especially as secrets are revealed. A few incidents seem to be tossed off as part of the overall arc when I think they might have been more impactful.

Also, a couple of moments that were mentioned and then forgotten (a letter Kate receives goes nowhere). And the similarities between Kate, Donna, and Irene could be a little clearer.

Those are fairly nitpicky and minor in the overall arc of the story, however. I like that my theories changed over the course of the book, which means the author kept me guessing.

I will also say that the author has a talent for telling a story that is entirely plausible, but also, by the end of it, the reader feels like certain things should have been obvious. But they weren’t. I think that is smart writing.

It is a solid entry in the psychological thriller genre. I recommend it.

Other titles by the author

Facebook: KimLSlaterAuthor
Instagram: klslaterauthor
Twitter: @KimLSlater

Author Bio:

For many years, Kim sent her work out to literary agents but never made it off the slush pile. At the age of 40, she went back to Nottingham Trent University and now has an MA in Creative Writing.

Before graduating, she received five offers of representation from London literary agents which was, as Kim says, ‘a fairytale … at the end of a very long road!’

Kim is a full-time writer and lives in Nottingham with her husband, Mac.


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