The Playdate (Jenkins)-BoT-Psychological Thriller-Available Now

There is good and bad to be found in this book.

Let me get the bad out of the way first. The story takes a loooong time to get going. There are a lot of random occurrences and character mentions that seem to have absolutely nothing to do with each other.

It’s obvious that the author is laying the groundwork for what is to come, but it takes quite a while to do so. And there are a lot of internal monologues or passages where the character is thinking something. In other words, a lot of thinking and not doing.

That all changes roughly halfway through the book when the pieces start to drop into place. At that point, you can actually see what the author was doing in the first part.

It soon becomes apparent that neither of the two main characters, Dani and Adele, are honest about who they are and how their pasts have influenced the present situation.

The author was clever in allowing the reader to see glimpses into the reality of each character, although sometimes it was so subtle that it was more “blink-and-you’ll-miss-it.”

I actually didn’t care for Dani too much. Her attitude and actions were sometimes irresponsible and frankly annoying. I had to remind myself that she was a very young mother. That was an important point.

I had a difficult time getting a feel for Adele. By the end of the book, it was obvious why that was the case. But in the reading of it, I never really got a grasp for – at least until the author wanted her to be fully understood.

There were plenty of red herrings and twists that were thrown in to distract. In that case, it was much like what was happening to Dani, so that was effective.

And at about 75%, the book really took off with non-stop action. Suffice to say that if you thought you had the main twist figured out, you probably didn’t.

In some regards the book felt unbalanced because the first half was so slow, and the second half sped right along. But in retrospect, the first part is meant to lull the reader and lay the foundation for the good stuff that happens in the second part.

Stick with this one. The payoff is definitely worth it.

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Author Bio:

Victoria Jenkins lives with her husband and daughter in South Wales, where her series of crime novels featuring Detectives King and Lane is based. Her debut novel The Girls in the Water is an Amazon UK top 30 bestseller, and top 5 bestseller in the Amazon US chart.

Her first psychological thriller, The Divorce, was published in July 2019. The second, The Argument, was published December 10th 2019 and The Accusation was published June 9th 2020. Her latest novel, The Playdate is out now.


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