I’ll be clear right off the top.
If you’re a book blogger, you’ll love this book.
If you’re a bookstagrammer, you’ll love this book.
If you’re a casual reviewer, you’ll love this book.
In short, if you like books at all, in any way, you’ll love this book.
Not only is there a lot of discussion about books, genres, tropes, character motivation, etc., but it’s all relayed in witty dialogue with charming characters and a great plot.
It’s a romance, so you know that it’s probably inevitable that the main couple will end up together. But I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun reading a couple’s trajectory.
The main characters (Ryan and Kara) re-meet cute. The tension is great, the chemistry is off the charts almost immediately. You can’t help but root for them.
I thought the subplot of Kara needing to finish her book and could only do so with Ryan’s influence was clever. It may seem far-fetched to some, but I thought it worked well.
I totally identified with Kara. Not because of her situation in the present, but because the description of her in college felt familiar. I could have been her. I probably was her.
In some ways, even the relationship she and Ryan had was similar to one I had. Mine didn’t have the arc theirs did though. Thankfully.
Anyway, back to the book.
The real charmer in all of this is Duke. He added so much humor and he couldn’t even talk. But anyone who knows a character like Duke will be able to relate to how much truth there was in his scenes.
Of course, the path to true love never did run smooth (or however that saying goes). Sometimes in Rom Coms, the thing that keeps the couple apart seems contrived. In this case, it totally fit with the plot and the characters.
I also enjoyed the descriptions of Italy because I’ve been there a few times so that brought up nice memories.
Honestly, I just loved everything about this book. It is definitely the perfect beach read, and it should go to the top of your TBR list for the summer immediately.
It’s a great debut novel, and I hope to read many more from this author.

Author Website
Twitter: @kbromleywrites
Instagram: @katebromleywrites
Facebook: @katebromleywrites
KATE BROMLEY lives in New York City with her husband, son, and her somewhat excessive collection of romance novels (It’s not hoarding if it’s books, right?). She was a preschool teacher for seven years and is now focusing full-time on combining her two great passions – writing swoon-worthy love stories and making people laugh. Talk Bookish to Me is her first novel.