Hoooooo boy, does Mel have a tough time in this psych thriller.
She’s already out her man, about to be out of her house, and her career…well, that’s not in such great shape either.
So, when her co-worker offers her the chance at a blind date, she considers taking him up on it.
Little does she know how wrong that can all go. And boy, does it go wrong.
Although the setup was efficient, it all really takes off when Mel takes over the late-night shift at the radio station. Soon, all kinds of things happen and Mel feels like she is getting hit on all sides.
The author does a great job of creating a spooky atmosphere through little hints here and there. Additionally, the claustrophobia of a radio booth can’t be beaten. There were times that it reminded me of the 1980s television show “Midnight Caller.”
Especially when Mel receives calls from a person who eerily has a similar story to her own.

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I had my suspicions about every character at some point. The only ones I didn’t feel added to anything were Niall and Fiona. That seemed to be more contrived to get Mel to the next point, rather than truly having any impact.
Mel was intriguing. At times, she seemed to bring the drama on herself. Her lack of self-confidence, greatly shaken, added to her being uncertain about where to turn when things got very weird.
There were a few things that appeared out of nowhere, and I am not sure I buy a couple of the twists and relationships.
But I still enjoyed this psych thriller immensely. In fact, I read it in one day – which is highly unusual for me. So, I do recommend it.
Just be aware that you will not know who to believe and what the real story is until the very end. And I mean the very last page.
Other psych thrillers from this author:

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Twitter: @WendyClarke99
Author Bio:
Wendy Clarke was a teacher until the small primary school where she worked closed down. Now she is a writer of psychological suspense but is also well known for her short stories and serials which regularly appear in national women’s magazines.
Wendy has two children and three step-children and lives with her husband, cat and step-dog in Sussex. When not writing, she is usually indulging in her passion for dancing, singing or watching any programme that involves food!