Psychological Thriller-Every Little Lie-Available Now

This psychological thriller started with a great lead-in that drew me in and there were some really good moments in the rest of the story. There were certainly enough lies to go around.

First, I could tell that Anna was fake from the beginning. I’m not going to give anything away, but any time a character projects a façade as much as she did? A dead giveaway that there is something to hide.

I thought the setup was also effective. Feeling that way about Anna, I was just waiting for the other shoe to drop. The author did a good job of building tension and even threw in a few red herrings to keep the reader guessing.

However, I felt that some of them were too “out of the blue” and didn’t go anywhere. A good red herring drags the reader along for a bit. In this regard, there were a couple of characters who seemed superfluous. Although, they did add to Anna’s suspicions, so there is that.

I will admit that I didn’t exactly see the major twist coming. There were a few things I guessed, but I didn’t get the big connection right away, so well done on that!

Once Anna and Seb’s storylines converge, the action really gets going. The second half of the book reads much faster than the first half.

A lot of the narration was Anna thinking about things. Some of the passages were long and drawn out which took me out of the action. Likewise, there were characters in her memory that seemed just as useless as the ones in the present.

In retrospect, none of the characters was very likable, which I think actually added to the story. It was just a shame that there was a child in the middle of all of them.

The climax was definitely page-turning and was really the only part of the book where I felt like I was “watching” something happen. The author did a great job with this pivotal scene.

And while there were parts of the resolution that I appreciated I thought the final decision of the characters was odd. The person who ended up with Evie was no better than the other options (in my opinion).

It was still a good read, and I definitely recommend the book as an engaging psychological thriller.

Other psychological thrillers from this author:

Author Bio

Lesley Sanderson spends her days writing in coffee shops in Kings Cross where she lives and also works as a librarian in a multicultural school. She has lived and worked in Paris and speaks four languages.


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