This psych thriller needs to go to the top of your TBR list.
Do what you must do. One-click it, buy it, find it…READ IT!
I am not exaggerating when I say that this psych thriller is one of the best I have read in recent memory. It has absolutely everything a person could want in the genre.
The author does a masterful job of laying out plot threads that are seemingly unrelated. The connections only become clear when the author is ready for them to be revealed.
The structure of the storytelling helps this parallel narrative. The chapters alternate between Brooke in 2019 and Christina in 2018. For at least half the book, it is not apparent how the two are related.
I mean, the reader knows that they are (they have to be). But the author gives up no clues before it is time.
I literally had an “AHA” moment when I saw the first connection. I think I even yelled it, startling the cat that was curled up next to me.
That is how involved in this story I became.

I can’t talk too much about the plot because I really do NOT want to give anything away. I know I am repeating myself from previous reviews, but if ever there was a time to go into a book blindly, this is the one.
It is difficult to talk about how fantastic the book is without giving details, but seriously, I don’t want to blow any surprises.
What can I safely say? The way that Brooke uncovers what is really going on is natural and fits the story. She is not a superhero – in fact, she is someone overcome with grief and guilt.
But she has good sense. And her artistic eye allows her to see details that other people may miss. Even with that, though, she is still piecing together parts of the puzzle on the very last page.
And what an intricate puzzle it is.
By the time all is revealed, the reader is as breathless – and as blindsided – as Brooke is. There are even moments where you will want to flip back to earlier pages, wondering if you missed something.
Chances are you probably did. But that is by design. And the author did an excellent job of those types of “hidden in plain sight” clues.
Honestly, I know that I am rambling. But I am trying to think of other things that can sell how great this psych thriller is and how you HAVE TO READ IT!
If you are a reader who likes to make note of theories throughout a book, this is one for you. I must have at least a dozen in my notes. They kept changing with new pieces of information. And only parts of a few of them are correct.
In re-reading this review, I realize that it sounds hyperbolic, which is unusual for me. But I can’t say enough good things about it.
Go read this psych thriller now. I mean it. Straight to the top of my best reads of the year list.
Other psych thriller novels by this author:

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Author Bio and Social Media
Victoria Jenkins is an English tutor and former secondary school teacher from South Wales who has been writing for years and day-dreaming about becoming a ‘proper’ writer for the past decade. She have an MA in Creative and Media Writing from the University of Wales, Swansea, where she wrote a lot of poetry while planning a lot of plots she hoped she would once day write. Victoria lives in South Wales with her husband.