The Troublemaker-Peterson-Romance-Available Now

I’m a sucker for Jessica Peterson’s books, and I love her latest “Sex & Bonds” series. The Troublemaker is the second in the planned trilogy, and while I didn’t like it quite as much as the first one, I still thoroughly enjoyed it.
It’s not a spoiler to tell you it covers both “first-time” and a “brother’s best friend” tropes, and they both balance nicely.
One of the things I like most about her books is that she creates worlds that just feel real. Her characters are very human and relatable. Even if their overall character isn’t anywhere in your personal orbit, a reader can usually find something about each one.
I couldn’t help but root for Greer – she was feisty and ambitious. But her awakening (in more ways than one) was tender and deep. Brooks was…well, I wish people like him existed. She does tend to write strong, vulnerable heroes that make you just want to hug them…before tearing their clothes off.
I won’t give away the plot, but this book felt different from others. First, there didn’t really seem to be a major conflict; no real “OMG, I can’t believe that happened” moments. An attempt by Brooks’ dad didn’t feel fully realized, and a personal scare between Brooks and Greer seemed thrown in.
I also missed more of the trading floor. It was mentioned, and it’s a location for several scenes. But I would have liked more of Brooks’ background. I think if we had been able to see MORE of what the Wall Street Bathroom said about him, his journey would have been much more interesting.
The same goes for the ultimate decision between Brooks and Greer moving forward (regarding Brooks’ sister Lizzie). That seemed to come out of nowhere.
That being said, I loved Kate’s (I want to go there). And I did enjoy Brooks and Greer’s relationship. It showed that when the heart knows, it just….knows. Maybe that’s why there was less drama. Sometimes things just go that smoothly.
I can’t wait for the 3rd book!


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