The Witches of Moonshyne Manor-Marais-Fantasy Fiction-Available Now

The Witches of Moonshyne Manor by Bianca Marais is fantasy fiction (how can it not be with “witches” in the title?) wrapped up with some modern-day feminism. And it is a mostly enjoyable read.

Fair warning: you do have to get through the first few chapters of setup first, and those are a little slow-going. Additionally, the focus of the introductions and the sisters’ personalities is also not how the rest of the story goes. So, don’t let those initial few chapters fool you.

And one last thing – don’t let the “witches” or “magic” aspect turn you off either. I mean, if you’re totally anti that stuff, yeah, you’ll have a hard time. But, if just isn’t your usual thing, give Witches of Moonshyne Manor a try, because there are a lot of “real world” aspects that would work in a “normal” setting as well.

Let me try to explain.

At the heart of the story are “sisters” who aren’t so by blood, but by fate (fortune, circumstances, karma…whatever you want to call it). Over time, they have gravitated together and formed a family.

Each sister has their role in the family. And it works well for them, usually. But families fight and sometimes there is distance between members. That is certainly the case in the Witches of Moonshyne Manor.

Oh, and while they’re trying to get their family unit back on an even keel, they also have to deal with townspeople who want their land. That’s simplifying the plot line, but hey…read the book for yourself to find out the details! 😉

For me, I enjoy the “witchy stuff” so I thought those details added fun and whimsy to the main plot line. I also liked that the sisters are older, so they have wisdom learned from experience on their side.

Personal preference, I wasn’t so much a fan of Persephone. The naming of her character is genius, especially given the role that she plays. But the whole “fight the patriarchy” attitude didn’t jibe with a story that focuses on the strength of women as a bonded unit.

At any rate, The Witches of Moonshyne Manor is a solid story. Bianca Marais adds the mystical to get some fiction points across, and the fantasy is fairly evenly distributed. But the message she imparts about women would be loud and clear in any genre.

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About the Author:

Bianca Marais cohosts the popular podcast The Sh*t No One Tells You About Writing, aimed at emerging writers. She is the author of two novels, Hum If You Don’t Know the Words and If You Want to Make God Laugh, as well as the Audible Original The Prynne Viper. Bianca lives in Toronto with her husband and fur babies.


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