Great Sexpectations-Bailey-RomCom-Available Now

Kristen Bailey is an author who will shock you when you read her books. No topic is off-limits or taboo. But you may also be surprised at how much you find yourself laughing. That becomes clear early on in her new romantic comedy Great Sexpectations.

First of all, I have to say that I absolutely love her Callaghan Sisters series. So, I was predisposed to like this one. But she had me hooked from the opening scenes at a Halloween party.

Who wouldn’t love a girl who wears a Ghostbusters costume in the midst of everyone else in sexy gear? Right there, I could tell that Josie would be an ordinary gal trying to find her way in a sex-filled world.

Once her family history and business are revealed, that becomes even more apparent.

Honestly, this is definitely an NSFW book – do NOT try and sneak a couple of chapters on a break or something like that.

For one thing, you’ll find yourself laughing way too much – literally out loud – which will lead to questions about why you’re laughing which will in turn lead to all kinds of awkwardness.

Nobody needs workmates butting in on this.

Second, there are parts that will probably make even the most open-minded person blush. Again, that would lead to questions, yada, yada, yada.

Just snuggle yourself down on your couch or in bed and dive into Josie’s world. Trust me, you will not want to put this book down.

As much as people may think that the author writes to shock, I think it is more to open people’s eyes to pertinent societal issues. And she mostly does so with humor.

It does seem that she is dismissive of concerns as voiced by Cameron’s family. I hope that they are written especially “large” to make a point. When it comes to certain discussions (as at Josie’s first encounter with them) there are legitimate points on both sides. I don’t think it’s right to dismiss either one out of hand entirely.

But this review is more about the way Ms. Bailey writes things that most people wouldn’t consider talking about even with their closest friends. And she writes whole books about these topics.

And oh, are there topics in this one! As I said before, NOTHING is taboo in Kristen Bailey’s literary world. Not giving anything away though, because you definitely need to experience each new layer to fully appreciate how the author approaches it all.

Another thing about that world? Look carefully, and you’ll find references to the Callaghan sisters throughout. I’m happy that the author hasn’t entirely abandoned them. But I’m equally happy to add Josie and her family to it.

I loved Great Sexpectations, and I really hope that there are more to come (no pun intended – a nod to the author) with these characters.

Author Bio:

Mother-of-four, gin-drinker, binge-watcher, receipt hoarder, enthusiastic but terrible cook. Kristen also writes. She has had short fiction published in several publications including Mslexia & Riptide. She writes women’s fiction and she hopes her novels have fresh and funny things to say about modern life, love and family.


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