Books On Tour (Review): Her Shallow Grave by DK Hood

This is fast becoming one of my favorite series. I came in late at Her Broken Wings (#8), but have been trying to catch up since then. I’ve seen the progression. The writing is crisp, the characters are realistic and likable, and the villains are always super-creepy. This installment is no exception.

I really like how the author doesn’t beat around the bush. The action starts right away so there’s no guessing about where it’s headed and this one really takes the cake. The Sculptor is definitely one of the most chill-inducing and prolific baddies I have “met” in a book.

The camaraderie between Kane and Alton has grown over the series. They’ve been working together long enough that they’re a well-oiled machine. But that doesn’t mean they’ve become complacent. There’s a scene early on that illustrates just how “on top” of things they still are, especially Kane. The man is a beast.

The author also pays attention to secondary characters, giving them their own times to shine. FBI Agent Jo Wells and Bobby Kalo have their own parts to do. I especially like Bobby’s story.

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Actually, the more I think about it, the more I realize these books read more like a popular tv show. The characters all have their strengths and together they make a team. The plots are self-contained, but have the through-plot lines that continue from book to book. I dig that.

I’m trying to avoid the plot, because I really think books like this need to be experienced, and I don’t want to be the one to spoil someone’s experience. I mentioned The Sculptor; he is as nuanced as the regular characters, and I appreciate the attention to detail. I also like that one of the victims did not act like a typical victim. I was rooting for her. And that’s all I am going to say about that.

This is one of the few series that I think you really can read as stand-alones, but I do think you miss the background of the team. So jump in now.

Author Bio:

I’ve always had a wicked sense of humour and was the kid who told the ghost stories around the campfire. I am lucky to have family all over the world and have spent many vacations in places from Paris France to Montana USA and Australia. I use the wonderful memories from these visits to enhance my stories.

My interest in the development of forensic science to solve crime goes back many years. I enjoy writing crime, mystery and thrillers. With many stories, waiting for me to write I’ll look forward to sharing many spine-tingling stories with you.

D.K. Hood is an active member of International Thriller Writers


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