BOOK REVIEW: Sweet Home Louisiana

Erin Nicholas has done it again! The second in her Boys of the Bayou series is just as good, if not better than the first one. My Best Friend’s Mardi Gras Wedding had great characters and a fun setting and was the perfect introduction to Autre.

Sweet Home Louisiana gives us the story of Owen and Maddie. I’m not going to repeat what you can find in the blurb. But as with Tori and Josh from the first book, their chemistry is off the charts. Unlike Tory and Josh, however, they have a history that influences the way they react to each other. And that is where the real craziness starts.

We see a completely different side of Owen in this book. In the first one, he was sort of the playboy/flirt, but in this one we see why he wasn’t very serious. His heart belongs to Maddie only, and boy does he know how to sweet talk her to try to sway her decisions. Actually, not so much sweet talk, but dirty talk. Well…both.

Seriously, there was one scene in the business office where I thought my Kindle was going to combust spontaneously! I would bet good money that there are millions of women (this one included) who would love to hear the words that Owen says to Maddie.

Maddie is a strong female character, which is another thing the author does really well. The women in her novels are not shrinking violets and do not get offended. They are their own person, but also know their limitations (for the most part). Maddie thinks she knows what she wants, until she realizes that she’s pretty much had it backwards for 12 years. And can I just mention Kennedy? I believe that she is my spirit animal. Her attitude and the things she says are so realistic – I want to be her friend.

I like how the author introduces the next book naturally as part of the story. There isn’t a cliffhanger, and it doesn’t end in a weird spot. It just flows to a natural place and then stops, leaving the reader definitely wanting more.

This is one of my new favorite series, and I look forward to each entry. By my count there should be at least two more…but I’m kind of hoping that we meet a few more cousins or other Landry family members because I’m nowhere near ready to leave Autre. My Goodreads review is below.

Expected Release: May 7, 2019

Sweet Home Louisiana (Boys of the Bayou, #2)Sweet Home Louisiana by Erin Nicholas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The second in the Boys of the Bayou series does not disappoint. Erin Nicholas has a way of writing scenes and dialogue that paint the most detailed pictures (no pun on Maddie’s talent intended). The Bayou craziness comes through clearly (Maddie’s description of her encounter with TSA had me laugh-crying), but so does the fierceness and love the extended family shares for each other. I appreciate that her heroines don’t get offended and give as good as they get. Now those are strong females! The author also does a great job keeping familiar characters involved but giving the main characters the spotlight. Owen and Maddie’s story is just what you’d hope for it to be. You know they belong together, and the ride they take to get there is plain ol’ steamy Bayou fun. This review was written based on a pre-release digital ARC. Check my blog at for a more detailed review.

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