BOOK REVIEW: Eighty-One Nights

I did not want this book to end.

That’s pretty much the review in a nutshell. (But I’ll give you guys a little bit more).

The beginning of this book reminded me of the Reba McEntire song, “Fancy.” In fact, through the first few chapters, I kept hearing the song lyric “Here’s your one chance Fancy don’t let me down” running through my head. Thankfully, the writer took the book in a much deeper direction than just a girl trying to earn money to get out of an undesirable situation.

Usually, a novel like this tends to focus on the young woman’s point of view and how she deals with this new world that has opened to her. This book is different because it focused equally on both perspectives, and this is what made the book more enjoyable.

I loved that I was able to understand Hutch’s point of view and how his past was affecting his decisions beyond the usual “I’m too broken to love” trope. He had a full backstory, as did Lou, which gave them depth. As a result, the story was much more fulfilling.

As Lou puts it, she is part of a beautiful illusion that she doesn’t want to end. I was right there with her. I was aware that I was nearing the end of the book, but I did not expect it to end where it did. As a result, I will be waiting eagerly for the second book in the duet, because this is one story that I cannot let go of easily.

My Goodreads review is below.

Eighty-One Nights (Beautiful Illusions Duet, #1)Eighty-One Nights by Georgia Cates
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wrecked. There’s no other way to describe how I feel after reading this book. I am absolutely wrecked. It is such a beautifully written and passionate story; I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough. As a result, I didn’t realize how close I was to the end until, well, until it just ended. In my mind, I yelled “noooooooooooo!!!!!” because I didn’t want it to end, especially not where it did! The relationship between Max and Cait (Hutch and Lou) is full-on romance, in spite of the unconventional beginning of it. The story is interesting, the characters are compelling, and the writing is such that the reader feels what the characters are feeling. Oh, and can we say super-steamy as well? An excellent read, but I sure hope the second book is released soon, because I haven’t gotten enough of Hutch and Lou yet. This review was written based on a complimentary pre-release copy.

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