BOOK REVIEW: The Painter of Time

I really loved this book! The author was extremely knowledgeable about art and the many facets discussed throughout the novel, to the practices of the Old Masters, to the processes of restoration used at the Cloisters. It was educational, but in a very “novel” way, a fascinating way to learn art history, actually. I would have liked a little more exploration of the ties between Mackenzie and Anthony, because that was an interesting twist that could have impacted her life more. And I thought that the case her dad was working on was a throwaway that was referenced in passing but didn’t contribute to the story overall. It was interesting, however, to try to piece together Anthony’s motivations before everything was revealed. If you have even a passing interest in art, or the Medici family for that matter, I would highly recommend this book. Intriguing, informative, and very entertaining. Thank you to the author and Hidden Gems for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.


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