BOOK REVIEW: “All That Was Lost”

Alison May

If you have a secret, do you have to lie in order to keep it a secret?  Or is it possible to be truthful and still keep your secret?  Can keeping a secret and lying about it negatively impact your well-being?

This was a fantastic book that explores these questions in an approachable and thought-provoking manner.  Patrice is a well-known psychic who hires Leo to ghostwrite her autobiography.  Through Patrice’s flashbacks to 1967, the reader gains insight as to her motivations.  Leo has his own story that intertwines with Patrice’s, as does Louise.  These three main characters’ points of view intertwine nicely without the reader feeling jarred when a perspective changes.  There are a couple of minor twists, and a few major ones, but this isn’t a thriller.  It’s more of a reflection on how life can throw us curveballs, how we deal with those curveballs, and how our actions can affect others.  A really great read from Alison May. 

(For more on this book, see my review on Goodreads!)


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