My love for finding new mystery/crime series is well-known to anyone who has read this blog. It should come as no surprise, then, that I am happy to let you know I have found another one!
Detective Mackenzie Price has quite a family history. The book opens with an event that would be scarring to anyone. It is interesting, then, that Mackenzie chooses to go into law enforcement. But that is somewhat typical of many of these heroines: a pivotal event provides them motivation for future choices.
I thought that the author astutely tackled Mackenzie’s memories and the influence that the event had on her. The thoughts that plagued Mackenzie were woven naturally into the plot, which was effective.

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The case is fairly standard, but the author does a terrific job of not giving away everything all at once. The reader is able to put together the pieces as Mackenzie does, which is always more fun that knowing more than the characters (not that there is anything wrong with that style, but it’s always interesting to see how different authors approach policework).
Not only does the author drop hints about the case itself, there are also glimpses of potential relationship issues, both personal and work-related for “Mad Mack” (as her co-workers call her). Again, this is very effective because the author doesn’t give the reader a big exposition explanation, just little mentions here and there that hint there is more going on that we have yet to learn.
To say this was a page-turner is inadequate. I was definitely intrigued and drawn in by the style and the plot. This is quite a stellar debut, and I absolutely think that Mad Mack will be one to follow in future books.

Author Bio:
Ruhi Choudhary discovered her passion for writing when she was seven years old and wrote her first Star Trek episode. Being a fan of the dark and twisted, she found her calling in crime thriller.
She likes to write stories that make you a little uncomfortable and characters that you struggle to make up your mind about but stay with you.
She lives in Toronto and spends her days training to be a scientist and wishing it rained more often!