Books On Tour (Review): My Husband’s Lie by Emma Davies

 A good set up is key to a good story. If the opening doesn’t grab me, it can sometimes be a slog to get through to anything exciting. Fortunately, the author of this book sets up what’s yet to come with two straightforward statements from the main characters. From there, it was a page-turning read to find out what was behind it all.

One thing I appreciated about this book was the story unfolded. Often-times, there seems to be a rush to “get to the good stuff,” which can sometimes feel manipulative. That is not the case here. Ms. Davies does a terrific job of lulling the reader into a sort of peacefulness, as we follow Thea and Drew through their move to Thea’s childhood home.

I got into the renovations of the studio and was excited that the two characters were excited. The author made me feel that much for them that early in the book. But even as everything seems to be coming together for them, there is an ominous feeling that builds right along with Thea’s odd experiences in the village.

This is another thing that I enjoyed; everything is just smooth. It’s hard to explain without giving anything away, but there was a thin line between the bad stuff that started occurring and the struggle Thea had as she tried to reconcile her memories with current events. Everything melded together into one coherent story, and neither thread got lost at the expense of the other. I thought Thea was a solid character, and I especially liked how she took control and helped her story came full-circle.

One of the things I appreciated most, and I suppose this could be considered a mini-spoiler, was that the family unit was not decimated as so often happens in this genre. I thought the author made the point about support and love at any cost crystal clear through both Drew’s and Thea’s actions.

I read this in essentially one sitting, as I was fascinated with how Ms. Davies crafted her story. It kept me interested and even got me teary as resolutions started to occur. This is one you should pick up right away.

Author Bio:

After a varied career, Emma Davies once worked for a design studio where she was asked to provide a fun and humorous (and not necessarily true) anecdote for their website. She wrote the following: ‘I am a bestselling novelist currently masquerading as a thirty something mother of three.’ Well the job in the design studio didn’t work out but she’s now a forty something mother of three and is happy to report the rest of her dream came true.

After many years as a finance manager she now writes full time and is far happier playing with words than numbers. She lives with her husband, three children, and two guinea pigs in rural Shropshire where she writes in all the gaps in between real life. It’s a county she adores, her love of its beautiful people and landscapes providing endless inspiration for her books, and in fact the only thing that would make Shropshire more idyllic is if it were by the sea. 

Pop over to her website where, amongst other things, you can read about her passion for Pringles and singing loudly in the car. You can also wave to her on twitter @EmDaviesAuthor / or find her on Facebook (a little too often than is good for her):


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