The Innocent Girls by BR Spangler – Books On Tour (Review)

I really enjoyed the origin of Detective Casey White in Where Lost Girls Go, so I was excited about her next case. Second time this weekend, where there is no Sophomore Slump in a series (I’m on a winning streak).

Casey has progressed since moving to the Outer Banks: she’s in a relationship with Jericho, she’s firmly rooted in her job, and she seems to be coming to grips (at least a little bit) with her missing daughter, Hannah, being so close, yet still so far away.

However, with the gruesome opening scene, the author lets us know right away that not all is peaceful in the Outer Banks, and things are going to get a lot more complicated and violent. From there, a new investigation is launched…one that hits closer to home than Casey expects.

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I like Casey because she is natural. She has failings and personal demons, but she knows that she still has a job to do and she does it well. Her instincts are strong, and she puts clues together in a smart fashion.

The plot itself was interesting. Somehow the author managed to tie together cults, brainwashing, environmentalism, wrongful accusations, loyalty, love, and revenge to create a thoughtful and well-plotted case. A late twist (very late) kept me guessing up until the very end. Extremely well-done.

I did think that one lead in the case (a tie to the summer solstice) hat appeared early on was misguided and a little inaccurate. It seemed like a red herring, and not a well-informed one. Fortunately, it went by the wayside sort of quickly, so I was able to forgive it. Had it remained I would have had an issue with it.

I mentioned Casey’s demons. She has to face one head one with the reappearance of a person from her past. I loved the way she ultimately handled it (no spoiler, but you’ll know it when you read it.

With the way everything wrapped up, I’m very excited to see what’s up next for Casey and Jericho and am looking forward to the next book.

Author Bio:

B.R. Spangler here. I’m a resident of Virginia along with my family, five cats, two birds, a hamster, and a lizard. During the day, I work as an engineer and spend my off hours writing, editing, and thinking up the next great story.

I split my time across pen names, writing crime thrillers, science fiction, horrors, paranormal and contemporary fiction.

Road to Mercy by TJ Brearton – Blog Tour (Review)

I really enjoyed the first book in the Shannon Ames series, Into Darkness, and I’m really excited to say that there is no Sophomore Slump in this series.

As with the last book, this one opens with an exciting scene (not saying what it is) that sets the tone for the rest of the story. We get people on the run, dead bodies, shady financial dealings, a twisty investigation…all the elements of page-turning, thrilling suspense.

The author does not let up the entire length of the book. Even during “down” times of the investigation, the plotting is tense, and the action is compelling.

I like that Shannon herself does not let up. She is an astute and no-nonsense investigator who expects others to live up to her standards. But she isn’t necessarily “tough-as-nails” annoying. Her character is a likable bad-ass.

I also appreciate how the author allows the story to unfold, switching to other characters periodically so that we get an “update” from their point of view. It makes the story more accessible. These are the easiest thrillers to read because they’re engaging, and the action is natural.


One of the other reasons that I like these two books (and I hope that there are a lot more) is they’re largely set in and around New York City, where I used to live. There is definitely something just more to a story when you can picture the streets and neighborhoods.

Truth though, as soon as I saw Woodbury Common, I was pretty much pre-disposed to like the book, because I’ve shopped there and know the area. I did have to laugh, though, when the characters mention Raytheon in Loudoun County, because that’s practically my backyard now. So yeah, locations that are relatable give it that extra oomph.

Not that this story needs it though, because as I mentioned, this plot has everything sNot that this story needs it though, because as I mentioned, this plot has everything someone could want in a thriller. It could be set anywhere and it would still be a winner.

I really do hope that Shannon continues her investigations, because I love “watching” her work. This is one gripping thriller series that truly lives up to its hype!  

About T.J. Brearton:

T.J. Brearton’s books have reached half a million readers around the world and have topped the Amazon charts in the US, UK, Canada, and Australia. A graduate of the New York Film Academy in Manhattan, Brearton first worked in film before focusing on novels. His books are visually descriptive with sharp dialog and underdog heroes. When not writing, Brearton does whatever his wife and three children tell him to do. They live happily in the Adirondack Mountains of upstate, New York. Yes, there are bears in the Adirondacks. But it’s really quite beautiful when you’re not running for your life. 

TJ is the author of Into Darkness, book 1 in the Shannon Ames series. ROAD TO MERCY will be his second novel published with Inkubator Books.

Under Your Skin by Rose McClelland – Blog Tour (Review)

There’s more to this book than meets the eye.

On the surface, it’s the story of a missing woman and the search to find her before it’s too late (but what does that really mean?) Underneath, however, it’s a commentary on the relationships between men and women, gender roles, misogyny, and a host of other things.

There’s a whole lotta something going on here.

I’ll say this at the outset: it’s not a spoiler to say that this book deals with control and psychological abuse, which could be triggering to some readers.

There were some very strong moments. The author really captured relationships of many kinds, from work to personal. Each time a male and female were paired in a scene there was a noticeable difference in the dynamics, which kept it interesting.

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I did spend a lot of time wondering how the author was going to sustain the plot, because it seemed pretty cut and dried. But I’ll just admit right now that I was wrong about that. Roughly halfway through, there was a decent twist that had me second-guessing most of the first half of the book.

There were a few questionable parts. The women did not come across as particularly strong. This was disappointing, because in a way it allowed for the men to become more dominant in the story. Julia, in particular, was unlikable due to her actions. There wasn’t enough background on her to justify her choices or make them more understandable.  

I also didn’t care for the way the each of the women (even Kerry, who was in law enforcement) at one point or another made allusions to “a crazed rapist” being on the loose or responsible. It didn’t fit the story and seemed only to serve as some neo-feminist idea that “women have to be scared of men because of this.”

This was a misstep, because two of the three main male characters in the story did nothing to be painted with this type of assumption.

I’m not saying that this was the author’s intent – just that’s the way it came across.

Overall, however, the story was an interesting study on the various relationships and interactions that men and women can have with each other. I just wish it had been a little more even-handed.

About Rose McClelland:

“Under your skin” is Rose’s fourth novel. Her previous three novels were romantic fiction published by Crooked Cat. She has made the genre jump from “chick lit” to psychological thriller and is enjoying delving into a darker corner of her mind! 

Rose has also written two short plays which were performed in the Black Box theatre in Belfast. 

She discusses book reviews on her You Tube channel and writes theatre reviews for her blog. 

She loves nothing more than curling up with her cats and a good book. She has two rescue cats – Toots, who is ginger with an inquisitive face and Soots, who is black and hops along on his 3 legs looking ever so cute. 

The Stepdaughter by Georgina Cross – Books On Tour (Review)

I’ve been on a lucky streak of suspenseful novels lately. This one absolutely fits the definition of a page-turner, as I read it one sitting.

There is very little to pick apart here. The plot was tight. There weren’t a lot of deep thoughts or angsty, twisted mind ramblings. The author gave us just enough information to whet our interest and kept things moving.

The story is told in alternating chapters between multiple characters. It never got confusing. Actually, it was one of the most effective uses of the “several narrators” style that I have read. It was also a great way to allow the reader to understand the different perspectives. This was important, especially as the layers of secrets start to unfold.

And boy, are there secrets galore in this one.

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I don’t want to give too much of the plot away (we know that’s a pet peeve of mine), but I thought the beginning with Mia going missing (and the added complication next door) was an effective starter and drew me in immediately.

Nobody is immune to hiding information from other characters. That’s not to say that it’s a great big mystery with people sneaking around corners (well, for the most part). It actually felt pretty natural, because everyone has secrets that they don’t want others to know, right?

In fact, the power of secrets and how damaging they can really be is the message that comes across loud and clear in this book.

I did think that there were a couple of characters and events that seemed to be more gratuitous than useful in advancing the plot (Coach Jacobs, for one). Although, that situation also served as a commentary on how quickly people will jump to a conclusion and run with it, and how easily rumors and harmful behavior can take root.

I also wish the author had given us a little bit more of Charlotte. I loved her whole backstory (I could relate), and she did have a couple of key points. But I think, given the pivotal part that she played, she could have had a few more chapters.

Overall, though, I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and would definitely recommend it for a quick, engrossing read. I can’t wait to read more from this author!

Author website:
Twitter: @GCrossAuthor Facebook: GeorginaCrossAuthor
Instagram: GeorginaCrossAuthor

Author Bio:

Georgina Cross is the author of The Stepdaughter (publishing September 2020) and Book 2 (title to be released January 2021) and Nanny Needed (to be published 2021) which are works of domestic suspense, psychological suspense, and thriller.

She is represented by Rachel Beck with Liza Dawson Associates with her suspense fiction appealing to readers of The Good Girl by Mary Kubica, The Marriage Lie by Kimberly Belle, The Mother-in-Law by Sally Hepworth, and Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty.

Georgina has been writing since she was a child. Notebooks & floppy discs filled with stories: adventures growing up in New Orleans and tales from Malaysia & England where her family lives. After graduating from Louisiana State University, she pursued a career in marketing & communications and founded Susie’s Wish non-profit which sends patients with life threatening illnesses to the beach. She spends time with her husband and their combined family of four sons watching plenty of scary movies and is thrilled to be a full-time author.

Two Widows by Laura Wolfe – Books On Tour (Review)

I love a book that has me guessing and switching opinions based on the newest information while leaving me unsure as to whether I’m right or wrong. This is that type of book, and it was an excellent mystery.

Grace allows Beth to park her tiny house in a field on her land, while also renting out a small apartment to an artist. What has brought Grace’s tenants to her area? Is there a connection? And why is there all of a sudden a woman gone missing in this formerly quiet area?

The story unfolds in two parts alternating chapters: Grace “now” and Elizabeth “before.” It’s an effective method, as it allows for the plot to advance. We get to know Beth as she is now through Grace’s storyline, while obtaining necessary context and backstory through the past. The writing flows and it was very easy to read.

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I thought both women were interesting characters. Grace was older and had made some choices regarding her son which had caused them to be estranged. Her motivation of trying to be a better person (mostly through self-help books) illustrated her desire to improve herself. She felt that she had been at a loss since her husband had died two years previously (Widow #1).

I really liked Beth. She was one of the most “real” characters I have read in a long time. Her reactions to events as well as her thoughts and emotions all rang true. She lost her husband more recently (Widow #2) and we don’t find out the circumstances around that until fairly late in the book.

This allows for the reader to gain a true understanding of why everything in the present occurs. Eventually the two storylines converge, and we get answers to the mystery of the missing woman, as well as a lot more information.

I did think that the resolution seemed to come a little of nowhere, but in the bigger context of Beth’s story is made sense. I also liked how the author had a character in place that drew suspicion, giving another angle to the story.

I definitely recommend this suspenseful book.

Author Bio:

Laura Wolfe is a lover of animals and nature. When she is not writing, she can be found playing games with her highly-energetic kids, riding horses, growing vegetables in her garden, or spoiling her rescue dog. She lives in her home state of Michigan with her husband, son, and daughter. Laura’s YA mystery, Trail of Secrets, was named as a Finalist in the 2016 Next Generation Indie Book Awards. Laura holds a BA in English from the University of Michigan and a JD from DePaul University. She is an active member of multiple writing groups, including Sisters in Crime and the SCBWI.  

Books On Tour (Review): What I Know By Miranda Smith

I liked this author’s Some Days Are Dark, so I was looking forward to this one. I was not disappointed. I love a good gaslighting, and I got plenty of that in this twisted thriller. It hooked me from the beginning and slowly continued to draw me in up to the explosive finale.

The author did a fantastic job setting the scene, giving the reader a peek via flashback to an event that shaped Della’s (the main character) life. I mean, wow…what an opening sentence. If that doesn’t pull you in, I don’t know what would.

The author then switches to the present when Della is an adult. Despite her family history (more on that in a second), she seems to have everything together and has made a good life for herself. I instantly related to her because she is an English teacher.

I was not surprised to see that author is a former teacher because she accurately nailed every aspect of teaching. The school scenes brought back many memories, from engaging students to dealing with ineffective administrators. The reality and accuracy of those parts made me “trust” the rest.

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I’m not sure if that makes sense. If I know someone is accurate about a topic that I am knowledgeable in, I am more likely to go along with other aspects of the story, even if they seem a little off the mark.

Not that I think Della’s past is far-fetched. On the contrary, we know that evil exists in the world and that evil people have families that must deal with them. I’m referring to some of Della’s actions later in the book that could be considered (shall we say) professionally questionable. She oversteps and pushes the boundaries of professionalism, but she has her reasons.

I liked how the author kept the action in the present, but occasionally would flashback to another event from Della’s childhood. That plotting allowed the present-day action to continue while building the foundation from the past that continued to influence Della’s perceptions. It was effective.

My only complaint, and it’s pretty minor, is that while I appreciate how Della’s past shaded her judgment and cast doubt on her suspicions, I also felt like Zoey was too much of an enigma. Her motivations could have been more evident.

I also think the author had a great build-up to the “past’s” climax, but then it was all wrapped up in a few brief paragraphs. I think a little more detail there would have helped cement both Della’s story and given a platform to Zoey’s. The whole ending also seemed a tad rushed, given how evenly plotted the rest of the book was.

Regardless, it was engaging, and it certainly kept me guessing. I highly recommend picking this one up for a thrilling summer read.

Author Bio
Miranda Smith writes psychological and domestic suspense. She is drawn to stories about ordinary people in extraordinary situations. Before completing her first novel, she worked as a newspaper staff writer and a secondary English teacher. She lives in East Tennessee with her husband and three young children. 

Blog Tour (Review): Stranger in the Lake

Carefully plotted and intricately woven this tale of long-buried secrets was a definite page-turner.

Everybody loves a good Cinderella story, and the author wisely uses both Charlie’s background and current situation to explore how the grass isn’t always greener…and to be careful what you wish for because it’s not always the right thing.

I liked Charlie has a heroine. She felt natural and honest. She had the worst upbringing but wasn’t going to let that stop her from being better than her beginnings. Who could blame her for being swept off her feet by rich, charming Paul, right?

I also appreciated her strength, especially as the truth started to coalesce. She didn’t always make the right choices, but her actions and reactions seemed to be what any person in her situation would do.

The overall plot was extremely well thought out, as was the mystery/investigation. I found myself second-guessing who was guilty or responsible for events up until the very last pages. I will say that I had an inkling about one of the characters early on (and I was right), but I’m not saying which one. You’ll have to read it and figure it out for yourself.

Mostly I liked how the author spaced the clues and pertinent plot points evenly throughout the book. While there was a big confrontation at the climax (and yeah, I read that faster because it was filled with tension and I wasn’t sure what was going to happen), there wasn’t a lot of half-hearted twists and turns. Sometimes those work, and sometimes they feel manipulative. None to be found here…everything was evenly placed.

I would say that this is a great summer read because of the setting of a lake. But if you’re reading this by a lake, you might think twice about stepping foot in it (just kidding). It’s tense, intelligent, and realistic. Who could ask for more a book?


Author website:
Facebook: @KimberlyBelleBooks
Twitter: @KimberlySBelle
Instagram: @kimberlysbelle

About the Author: Kimberly Belle is the USA Today and internationally bestselling author of six novels, including the forthcoming Stranger in the Lake (June 2020). Her third novel, The Marriage Lie, was a semifinalist in the 2017 Goodreads Choice Awards for Best Mystery & Thriller, and a #1 e-book bestseller in the UK and Italy. She’s sold rights to her books in a dozen languages as well as film and television options. A graduate of Agnes Scott College, Belle divides her time between Atlanta and Amsterdam.

Thanks for stopping by for the first entry in the Harlequin Mystery & Thriller Summer Reads Blog Tour. Be sure to check back in throughout the summer for reviews of these intriguing titles!

Blog Tour (Review): Roses Are Red by Miranda Rijks

When I read a book, I make notes and write the review in my head as I proceed. The final result that you see on this blog is usually a mixture of the highlights of each mental review I complete. I can’t remember the last time I had a review change in my mind as much as it did for Roses Are Red.

At the beginning of the book, I thought it would be a psych thriller in flashbacks, illustrating the reasons leading up to the shocking first chapter. That was wrong.

Then, I thought it would be about a woman putting herself back together after trauma. That was partially right.  

As I reached a little under halfway, I was positive I had it all figured out. I was disappointed that it seemed so simple and that I still had lots more in the book to go. But I kept reading because I wanted to see how it all played out.

Can I just say that the last third of the book had me turning pages as the action ratcheted up and some of what I thought I knew got thrown out the window?

In other words, if you think that you know what is happening, you probably don’t. I don’t want to say much more than this, because it is kind of pointless to go into character development and things like that without giving away plot points, and I definitely don’t want to do that.

Suffice to say that this is a great psych thriller that can also serve as a cautionary tale (you’ll figure that one out as you read), and was compelling enough for me to read it in one sitting. That’s difficult to do. So, grab it and give yourself a whirlwind treat of a read. This is a psychological thriller with lots of suspense and you will not be disappointed.

About Miranda Rijks

Miranda Rijks is a writer of psychological thrillers and suspense novels. She has an eclectic background ranging from law to running a garden centre. She’s been writing all of her life and has a Masters in writing. A couple of years ago she decided to ditch the business plans and press releases and now she’s living the dream, writing suspense novels full time. She lives in Sussex, England with her Dutch husband, musician daughter and black Labrador.
Miranda is the author of YOU ARE MINE and I WANT YOU GONE. ROSES ARE RED will be her seventh novel published with Inkubator Books.


Books On Tour: After the Accident by Kerry Wilkinson

I am a fan of this author, so I was excited to see the announcement of the latest release. I was quite surprised by what I found.

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I absolutely loved the writing style of this book. It is not a traditional novel. Instead, the story unfolds via “interviews” of the main characters. It was fascinating to read the words of each character instead of having a “narrator” or one point of view.

I think this allowed the author to write an overwhelmingly personal story, as we got to “deep dive” into each character. Their traits and personalities were evident through their own words, as opposed to what someone else thought about them. However, we do get each character’s perspectives on the others as well.

I also enjoyed how this style made it easier to follow the plot (no jumping back and forth) and – for me, at least – gave me a better idea of who I believed and who I didn’t believe. And there is a lot to unpack in that regard.

(As always, no plot reveals here). It is quite apparent that certain characters have it out for others. Whether it is just a personality thing or if it is more nefarious, well, that’s up to the individual reader. I found myself wavering in whose story I believed more.

Does someone’s history automatically make them less believable? What about their actions after the fact; does that cast doubt on what they initially said? It’s all addressed here.

For example, most of the time, I believed Emma’s version. However, there were times that I thought she gave so much information in her “interview” that it seemed like she was trying too hard. Other times, it appeared that she was deliberately vague. That being said, Daniel (for one) had very deflective comments and seemed to rely on the premise of “I’m rich, and, therefore, you have to believe whatever I say.”

Who is telling the truth and who is lying is anybody’s guess. That continues right up until the very last page. The only thing I could complain about (and this is nitpicking)  is that I don’t feel like I got a clear idea of what actually happened on the island. But, I also recognize that this is the aim of the author – to leave it ambiguous, allowing the reader to determine where the truth of the matter lies.

It’s a bold gambit, as people generally prefer their mysteries to be wrapped up tidily by the end. I, for one, enjoyed it and found it one of the more thought-provoking reads I have had in a long time.

Author Bio

Kerry Wilkinson has had No.1 bestsellers in the UK, Canada, South Africa and Singapore, as well as top-five books in Australia. He has also written two top-20 thrillers in the United States.

As well as his million-selling Jessica Daniel series, Kerry has written the Silver Blackthorn trilogy – a fantasy-adventure serial for young adults – a second crime series featuring private investigator Andrew Hunter, plus numerous standalone novels. He has been published around the world in more than a dozen languages.

Originally from the county of Somerset, Kerry has spent far too long living in the north of England, picking up words like ‘barm’ and ‘ginnel’.

When he’s short of ideas, he rides his bike or bakes cakes. When he’s not, he writes it all down.

Author Social Media Links:

BOOK REVIEW: Convergence by Ginny L. Yttrup

I love when I find a book that brings back good memories – even if the book itself is more twisted than anything I ever experienced! Such is the case with Convergence, by Ginny L. Yttrup.

When I was little, my parents and I used to go river rafting in the Sierra Nevadas. We even had our own raft, life jackets, oars, etc. In fact, I am pretty sure that they are still in my parents’ garage. My mom was a teacher, and one of the science teachers was a licensed river rafting guide. I have many fond memories of rafting the American and Stanislaus rivers, as well as the Snake and Boise rivers in Idaho.

(A less fond memory is when I got thrown out of the raft and ended up pinned beneath the raft in some pretty rough rapids, throwing out my back. But that’s another story.)

I picked up this book originally because the river rafting aspect of the plot intrigued me. Suffice to say that I got a lot more than I thought I would. I am really glad that I read this, and I highly recommend this suspenseful thriller. Below is my Goodreads review.

Convergence by Ginny L. Yttrup

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a fascinating and complex book. I thought it looked interesting from the description because of the focus on river-rafting (my family used to go river rafting on the American River a lot when I was a kid). Once I started reading, however, I realized there was much more depth to the story than just a suspense novel. It is written exactly like a river rafting trip. It started slow, just floating along like the beginning of a rafting trip. Then there were a few bumps, light rapids, as we get glimpses into events in Deni’s past. More events occur in the present, and we hit some class III rapids. The story continues to pick up the pace up until the Class VI climax. It was a tightly-woven plot created to mimic the river that is a focal point of the story, and it just enhanced the tension. Even the title has a double meaning relating to the river and the plot. I was very impressed with this book and highly recommend it. A big thank you to NetGalley, Barbour Publishing, Inc., and the author for a digital ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review

View all my reviews


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