BOOK REVIEW: Ruthless Outlaw by Liza Street

I recently read the first in this series, Ruthless Misfit, and really got hooked on the Rock Creek Clan. As I have mentioned, shifter romance is new to me, but I am really getting into it.

This second book in the series picks up right where the first one left off. This time, Erena’s sister Margot is the focus. Margot had a little bit of will they/won’t they with Nolan – even though it was fairly apparent that they won’t. Enter Nolan’s brother Bryce. Bryce is an outlaw, a shifter without a clan, and he has led a nomadic lifestyle with his best friend, Ian. You know who is really meant for each other, but getting there is where the fun is, right?

The continuing threat from the Bitterroot Pack is further explored in this novel, and a new facet to the conflict is introduced. The adventure ramps up a tad, and the book ends with a perfect lead in to the third book.

It’s funny, because readers usually read for the romance when it comes to these types of stories, and the romance is definitely steamy in this one. Can I just say that I know a few people, myself included, who would definitely love to have Margot’s dreams?!? That being said, I found myself more intrigued with the conflict between the RCC and Bitterroots than with the romance itself. I can’t wait to find out what happens with the new information gained by Bryce and Margot.

I highly recommend getting in on this series. It’s well-written, fast-paced, and very interesting. See my Goodreads review below.

Ruthless Outlaw (Fierce Mates: Rock Creek Clan Book 2)

Ruthless Outlaw by Liza Street
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Having read the first book in this series, I was very excited to read the second one. The author had left the first one with what wasn’t exactly a cliffhanger, but the promise of more an intriguing story. She didn’t disappoint. We are back with the Rock Creek Clan, and Ruthless Outlaw is the story of Margot (sister to the first book’s heroine, Erena) and Bryce (brother to Nolan) who is an outlaw; a shifter without a clan. As always, no plot reveals here. But their chemistry is off the charts hot, and let’s just say that most women would probably love to have Margot’s dreams. 😉 The subplot of another clan threatening the RCC’s territory takes more shape. A change in venue for the two of the characters introduces a very interesting new aspect to the challenges facing the RCC. Consider me completely hooked on this series. I can’t wait for the next installment. This review was written based on a complimentary pre-release copy.

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BOOK REVIEW: Ruthless Misfit by Liza Street

Only $2.99!

I have always been a reader, but over the past year, I have greatly expanded the number of genres I draw from. One of the newer types of books is shifter romances. Most of these are animal shifters, although there are some stranger ones out there. I have found that the better ones really weave the animal/human aspects together to make complete characters.

Ruthless Misfit by Liza Street is one of those better ones. The story revolves around Erena and Matt and their Rock Creek Clan. The first in a series, we are introduced rather quickly to the clan, and know from the get go that neither Erena nor Matt are comfortable with being in the clan, but for very different reasons.

My only issue with this book, in particular, was that it referred to events prior to this book as if the reader knew why everything had happened. The backstory was not as full as it could have been. It made reading this story feel like I was missing something – like I should have already known what was being discussed.

The author does do a good job of presenting a conflict that will continue through at least two other books, so I am hoping that there will be more answers coming. All in all, it was an interesting introduction to a new series. Below is my Goodreads review.

Ruthless Misfit by Liza Street

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a departure for me because I haven’t read very many shifter romances, but I really found myself enjoying this one. I especially liked how the animal habits melded into the human traits, and how the terminology used covered both animal and human. I thought the plot was interesting, but it sometimes seemed as if there was a lot of action prior to this story. It’s hard to describe, but the way that the characters referred to events made it seem like there was a previous book that covered it all, but near as I can tell, there isn’t one. Regardless, the plot was intriguing and definitely made me want to stick around for the second book to see how it progresses. I think both people who are familiar with and those who are new to the shifter genre will enjoy this book. I received a free digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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