The In-Laws-Wolfe-Psych Thriller-Available Now

The In-Laws by Laura Wolfe is a psych thriller that feels like two stories mashed into one at times.

I think part of the reason for that is the title. There are also some plot points that feel inconsistent. But more on those later.

The initial premise is good. Two people getting married, their parents didn’t get along at an initial meeting, so they’re trying a team-building trip to break the ice.

Camping would not be my first choice for this, but it turns out that Abigail has reasons for pushing the method.

I liked most of the camping/wilderness survival plot points in the book. I thought the author did a good job with them and created enough distrust among the characters that the reader felt naturally suspicious as well.

Some of the interactions, however, did not seem realistic. It was like the author was trying too hard to make a character unlikeable. At one point, I even thought, “Really? Who actually talks that way?”

I suppose it was a way to build the “psych” part of the psych thriller (like, could someone really be that awful?), and I suppose in the bigger picture, it serves as background for later events.

Because it turns out that everyone on this trip has secrets. Some are worse than others, but nobody is unscathed. The way that the secrets are revealed mostly works. I definitely did not guess all of the twists and secrets that were hidden throughout.

The In-Laws psych thriller cover

However, there are also points that felt less like red herrings and more like forgotten moments. For example, the author has the in-laws, Darla and Kenny, exchanging looks quite often. Unless I missed it entirely, it was never clear what those glances meant.

I mean, there were hints, and I think I figured it out, but it wasn’t as clear as it could have been.

The pacing was also a bit lopsided. Nearly three-quarters of the book leads up to a certain event, and then the last 25% is reveal after reveal. Some of it has been hinted at, and some of it feels like it is on fast-forward.

Also: the title. That first 75% allows for the title to make sense. But that last quarter pretty much has nothing to do with the title. They are still characters, but not the focus that the title would suggest.

At any rate, Laura Wolfe has definitely written a page-turning psych thriller in The In-Laws. I’ll certainly be looking for her next one.

The Lie in Our Marriage-Weatherley-Psych Thriller-Available Now

The Lie in Our Marriage by Anna-Lou Weatherley

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Lie in Our Marriage is book number six in the Detective Dan Riley series. But (as with previous books) Anna Lou Weatherley strikes a great balance between psych thriller and crime thriller.

You can get the gist of the story from the blurb. What I like most about the author’s way of writing is that there is a clear delineation between the psych thriller and crime procedural chapters, but they weave together for a cohesive story. The transitions between the two are seamless.

I thought this plot, in particular, was engaging. The author manages to make the characters relatable to multiple ages. Older readers will relate to Maggie and her perspectives on marriage and middle age. Younger readers will embrace the social media/influencer aspect that her daughter Remy lives for. Again – great balance here.

One of the most striking things about the plot is the choice that Maggie forces herself to make. It is every married woman’s nightmare, and what she contemplates is almost unfathomable. But in the context of the story, her choices make sense, and one can understand them.

I also thought the crime procedural parts of the story were well-done. They were not too technical, but just enough to understand what was happening. And I appreciate how each of the characters in that thread is an individual. They’re not just faceless “law enforcement.”

I did guess part of the “reveal” fairly early, but the author threw in enough red herrings that I second-guessed myself a few times. I didn’t know I had guessed correctly until the actual climax.

If one wants to deep-dive into a pleasure read, I think readers could also take a lesson in trust and reliability from Len and Maggie’s situation. That’s all I am going to say about that.

I really enjoyed The Lie in Our Marriage. Anna Lou Weatherley has definitely found a winning formula between psych thriller and crime procedural, and I’ll be looking for the next Dan Riley book.

This review was written based on a digital copy of the book from Bookouture. For more reviews, please browse this site.

All the Dangerous Things-Willingham-Thriller-Available Now

All the Dangerous Things by Stacy Willingham

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

If you ever want to know what a person goes through when their child disappears, read All the Dangerous Things by Stacy Willingham. Through Isabelle, the main character and sole POV, we get extensive detail about the sleeplessness, the doubt, the worry, the suspicion…everything you could imagine, and probably some emotions you would never think of.
Unfortunately, that’s where the book gets bogged down. There is SO much emphasis on Isabelle’s emotions and thoughts that any forward action is often hampered or lost. Not to sound mean, but it sometimes felt like the author was being paid by the word because it was all extremely verbose.
The plot itself is decent, and the childhood memories that start to surface as Isabelle works her way through life (while trying to find out what happened to her son) cast enough doubt on the situation to make the reader wonder whether or not Isabelle is a reliable narrator.
Despite this, the culprit seemed obvious to me early on. I did like how it all resolved itself, however. I did enjoy the realizations that Isabelle came to and the actions she took in the end. For me, the book was okay but might have been better with maybe a thousand fewer words and some tighter plotting. 2.5 rounded up to 3 due to the culprit receiving just desserts.

Thank you to Minotaur Books for a digital copy of this book. For more reviews, please browse this site!
View all my reviews

Just the Nicest Couple-Kubica-Thriller-Available Now

Just the Nicest Couple by Mary Kubica

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I wanted to like Just the Nicest Couple by Mary Kubica, but while there were a few good points, I was largely disappointed. The premise was good, but the execution felt like it was lacking. I think the biggest sticking point for me was that Christian had a prominent voice, but he was actually a passive character in the bigger scheme of things. That left too much room for his internal monologues, which essentially stopped any action. There were also parts where the writing felt very elementary like this was an early novel from the author that is now seeing the light of day due to her success. Regardless, while this book was not for me, others may have a different experience. I will continue to look for new releases from her, as everyone can have an off time at any point. This review was written based on a digital copy of the book from Harlequin Trade Publishing/ Park Row.

View all my reviews

Best Friends Forever-Hollinger-Thriller-Available Now

Best Friends Forever by Shannon Hollinger is a thriller that mostly delivers on its promises. There are definitely requisite thrills, more than one mystery, and a couple of decent twists thrown in.

In short, there is a lot going on – sometimes too much. But we’ll get to that.

Kate has to return home to help care for an ailing mother and mute sister. She had left her hometown abruptly a decade earlier because of a chilling event. Being home again opens up all kinds of cans of worms.

Additionally, almost as soon as she arrives home, there is another incident that raises even more questions and leaves Kate wondering if her memories of the event are accurate or not. Having “the old gang” around adds to the questions.

So goes the premise of this thriller.

There is a lot to like about Best Friends Forever. The reader can appreciate Kate’s reluctance to be home again given the circumstances but also sympathize with her desire to find out what really happened on that night so many years prior.

I liked the mystery aspects of this thriller. In fact, the plot, in general, was really good. The author dropped enough red herrings and legit clues to keep me guessing.

There are several subplots that may or may not (no spoilers here) have bearing on the overall arc. Those were also mostly handled well.

And once the story reaches a climax, there is surprise after surprise. A few I guessed, but I was not entirely accurate on a couple of main ones until the moment of reveal.

I think the only thing keeping this from being a five-star thriller is that the middle drags…a lot.

Kate tends to dither. I get that it is her character and her unsettled nature at being back home. But there is a large chunk of the story where nothing really impels the plot forward.

A few of the subplots seem to be thrown in as twists that aren’t really needed. There isn’t enough character development for them to really matter (if that makes sense).

However, despite all of that, Best Friends Forever is still a good, page-turning thriller. I will be looking for future books from Shannon Hollinger.

Shannon Hollinger thriller author

The Narrator-Slater-Psych Thriller-Available Now

K.L. Slater is fast becoming another favorite author when I need a psych thriller fix. The Narrator is definitely one of her best.

There are just enough questions thrown out about each of the characters that the reader is as off-balance as the main character.

Additionally, the author is clever in setting this story in the book world because it instantly adds relatability and awareness to situations.

Even the final, last gasp, jaw-dropping surprise is entirely plausible.

I guess, in some ways, that makes The Narrator a unique psych thriller. It is one of the few times I can remember thinking, “I could absolutely see this happening in real life.”

Obviously, I’m not going to give any plot points away. But again, the author is smart in the storytelling. The action unfolds from multiple perspectives in multiple time frames. And it is never confusing at all.

In fact, I think it was one of the most seamless books I’ve read recently. Everything flowed smoothly. I particularly liked that there were a couple of characters who popped up occasionally who may or may not have anything to do with the overall plot.  (I’m not telling).

But it was effective storytelling because they did just enough to throw suspicion on themselves.

If I had to nitpick, the only thing that didn’t exactly fit for me was the thread about Eve’s father. I get it in the overall plot picture, but it seemed forced to me, while everything else seemed natural.

Regardless, The Narrator is still a fantastic psych thriller. I didn’t guess the big reveal until literally the last moment. For that reason alone, it earns high marks – but everything else is pretty darn good too!

K.L. Slater psych thriller author

The Stay-at-Home Mother-Trope-Psych Thriller-Available Now

Nicole Trope has become one of my favorite psych thriller authors, and The Stay-at-Home Mother is the perfect example of why she is so good.

In a nutshell, whatever story she is telling is really only partial. It’s enough on its own, but if you’ve read her books, you know there is always another shoe to drop somewhere along the way (usually toward the end).

In this case, Gabby is the stay-at-home mother in question. She has an online following that commiserates with her over her troubles with her teenage son.

When Andrea (very pregnant), her husband Terry, and their 3-year-old son Jack move in across the street, Gabby can’t help but offer assistance to a frazzled Andrea. And Andrea is all too willing to rely on this virtual stranger who seems like the perfect lifeline.

However, if something seems too good to be true, it probably is…not true.

Not only does Andrea have pregnancy fog, but her husband’s “issue” rears its ugly head at the same time as everything else comes to a climax. It’s really a perfect storm of distraction.

I don’t want to give anything away because, like any good psych thriller, the fun is in realizing what is actually occurring without any spoilers to wreck the enjoyment of the plot.

But I will say that even if you think you have it all figured out (which I did a few times) – there is still more that you will not guess.

And that is why The Stay-at-Home Mother is a quintessential psych thriller. Nicole Trope has cemented herself as an absolute go-to for a jaw-dropping read.

Nicole Trope psych thriller author

A Small Affair-Collins-Thriller-Available Now

A Small Affair by Flora Collins is one of the more unique books I’ve read this year. I have a hard time defining it. Mystery? Thriller? Mystery Thriller? All of the above?

The reader knows from the beginning that something happened to Vera that turned her world upside down and inside out.

However, the exact details of that are revealed slowly throughout the entire book. There are answers right away, but don’t mistake that for knowing everything about what happened.

You don’t.

The author saves some info until literally the very last pages.

Vera is a tough character to like. I wanted to feel sorry for her because of “the event” and how it affected her. But in the flashbacks to her life pre-event, she is not a very likable person.

I think this conundrum made the book more interesting. It kept me actively disliking the person but rooting for her because of the situation.

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There are parts that appear to be uneven. But that is only a superficial way of looking at the plot. In reality, the author paints the story in layers.

No, strike that. The author makes a collage of the events, with some characters more prominent than others. Just like Vera does.

I just now put that together.

That being said, there are layers to the onion when it comes to the plot. For example, it might seem like a departure for the author to flashback to Odilie’s past – but there’s a reason for that.

Just like there’s a reason for detailing Odilie and Tom’s relationship.

Honestly, it’s all just very twisted.

I did think that the end was a little bit disappointing. It seemed to wrap up too neatly after the mess that was Vera’s life leading up to then.

But it turns out that what she had was anything but a small affair. And Flora Collins keeps the mystery going to the end.

Flora Collins thriller author

Her First Child-Browne-Psych Thriller-Available Now

Sometimes a psych thriller has so much going on that it takes a couple of re-reads of a section to understand what is happening. That is the case with Her First Child by Sheryl Browne.

That’s not to say that it is complicated. It is actually pretty straightforward. But there are some parts where it took me a second to recenter myself and figure out what I just read.

As with many a psych thriller, the story starts with a prologue. It seems fairly normal…right up until the final sentence of the section.

In fact, there are a few times that occurs throughout the book – blink, and you’ll miss it mentions that would be easy to skip over if you aren’t reading carefully.

The plot is interesting because, in some ways, it really doesn’t go anywhere. Eve’s mom shows up essentially unannounced, which freaks Eve out for…reasons. But Eve hasn’t explained anything about her past to her partner, Dom, so he doesn’t understand what the issue is.

For the reader, it stays that vague, even as there are flashbacks to Eve’s past. The reader does find out the basis for Eve’s fears long before Dom does. But even so, there is still a lot that isn’t clear.

Eve’s best friend Chloe is present in both the past and present threads. I never got a good beat on her. Was she jealous? Protective? Angry? All of the above? Who knows. And a plot line with her husband Steve seemed gratuitous.

The author kept me guessing right up until the very end, which I appreciate. However, as I mentioned at the beginning, there were several times I had to re-read a section to make sure I knew what had actually happened.

This occurred more in the second half of the book. Everyone starts pointing fingers at everyone else and lies pile on each other. There is just too much going on. I was being tossed around like a pinball machine.

There were also throw-away sections that led nowhere. And I’m still not sure about the resolution of a couple of things. It just seems as if the author had two books going, and they melded together.

Her First Child took a lot to get through – it’s a solid story that took a lot of effort to understand. Others may have a different experience. I still recommend the book.

And I remain a fan of Sheryl Browne. I’ll look forward to her next psych thriller.

Sheryl Browne psych thriller author

Behind Closed Doors-Wyer-Thriller-Available Now

Just when I think that Carol Wyer has created the ultimate mystery/thriller novel, she outdoes herself. As much as I love her other series, I think Behind Closed Doors may be my new favorite.

I don’t know if it’s because it’s a stand-alone or just because she’s that good. At any rate, I’ll put it out right here that this should 100% be on your TBR list.

You can read the blurb for the basics. Stacey survived a horrific experience when she was younger and has long since buried the memories of that time. However, when her ex shows up and says his daughter Lyra (Stacey’s ex-stepdaughter) is missing, events are too similar for Stacey to ignore.

Is the person responsible for Stacey’s horror the same person who took Lyra? Is it a copycat? Or is the truth more nefarious?

Yeah, right, like I’m going to give ANY of that away!

One area where this author really excels is in making the reader feel like they’re a part of the action. She really grabs you, reels you in, and keeps you on the hook as she keeps you running along with the characters.

Behind Closed Doors 3rd day blog tour

She also treats her secondary characters with as much respect as her lead characters. Every one of them has their part to play. Nobody is superfluous. It just adds to the realism of her stories.

In this case, I loved the secondary characters almost more than the leads. Stacey knows a lot of people, some legit and some seriously shady, and I was thoroughly entertained seeing how each of them helped her along the way.

My challenge with these reviews is that I want to talk about the plot, but I don’t want to give away any of the several excellent moments in the story. I’ve said it in my reviews of her books before, but they’re just so smooth.

There are no last-minute revelations that come out of nowhere. Anything that happens has had ample groundwork laid for it. It’s totally on the reader if they don’t follow that path to the conclusion.

And hang on to your seat because there are revelations right up to the very last page.

I know this is supposed to be a stand-alone, but I’d love to see Stacey again.

Anyway, I can’t say enough good things about Behind Closed Doors. From the cover to the opening to the very last pages, Carol Wyer has created one humdinger of a mystery thriller.

Carol Wyer thriller author

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