Book Review: The Kissing Contract

Let me just start by saying that I love the way Amy Andrews plots her stories. There is no fake drama, no 11th-hour twists, and no extra characters; just two people with their hang-ups trying to navigate the crooked path of love. You know, like real life. The Kissing Contract is no exception.

It’s the story of Gus and Marshall, and holy hell is it good!

From the opening courtroom scene to the closing scene, I liked just about everything in this book. I loved how Marshall was open and honest with his feelings and how comfortable he was (for the most part) in his skin.

I’m not gonna lie, Gus thought a little bit too much. I love that she had brains and got why her character was the way it was, but there were times that I wanted to yell at her to stop overthinking things too much. I’m sure I’m not alone in that.

But that’s also what makes Ms. Andrews’ characters so realistic. It would be perfectly natural for a woman like Gus to react the way she did to events and feelings. She is relatable and human. So is Marshall, especially when it comes to stepping out of his comfort zone.

And let’s talk about that comfort zone. Bunnies. Everywhere. Pregnant bunnies. Honestly, one of my favorite parts of the entire book was Marshall finding himself in the role of bunny matchmaker. His “profiles” of the bunnies for the adoption website were hysterical.

Of course, no Amy Andrews book is complete without a few steamy scenes, and this book includes not one but two of the steamiest I have read in a long time. The shower scene alone will stick in my memory for quite awhile. To be perfectly honest, that was another thing I loved about Marshall; he was willing to deprive himself in order to make a point to Gus. But when they both caved? Holy crap was it gooooood!

You don’t want to miss this one, guys. It releases July 16 – go get it!

The Kissing ContractThe Kissing Contract by Amy Andrews
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It’s another winner from Amy Andrews! I love how her characters are human and have flaws. It makes it so much easier to root for a couple to recognize their feelings for each other. Then again, not every couple has a few hundred bunnies to deal with while they sort their feelings out. The premise was unique, and I loved the humor that tied into the plot catalyst of the bunnies. As always, the sexy times were ohhh, so hot! I’ll never look at a jetty the same way again. For more thoughts on this one, visit my blog at Fireflies and Free Kicks Fiction Reviews. Thank you to NetGalley, Entangled Publishing, and the author for a complimentary pre-release digital ARC of this book.

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Book Review: Covering All the Bases

If you’re a baseball lover (like I am) you’re constantly on the lookout for stories /romances that are interesting but that don’t sacrifice the details of the game for the plot.

Covering All the Bases by Jody Holford is a winner in this regard. It’s not entirely baseball heavy, but there is enough reference to the sport for the casual fan to enjoy. The chemistry between the lead characters is evident from the beginning and the secondary characters are fun too.

This is a great summer read for fans of the game.

Covering All the BasesCovering All the Bases by Jody Holford
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this sports romance. Most books in this genre have a hero who is a stud sports dude who humbles himself to be with the woman who takes him down a peg or two. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. But this story was different because Liam Cruz was a sweetheart from the very beginning. It was so nice to see a guy who was comfortable being a nice guy in spite of his sports stature. I liked the chemistry between Liam and Isla, and I really liked Talia – I hope there is a story for her coming up next. I also enjoyed the plot; I thought it was unique. And frankly, I’m a sucker for a baseball story. Since we are heading into the heart of baseball season, I’d definitely recommend the book. This review was written based on a complimentary pre-release digital ARC.

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Book Review: Just Past Two

Holy helluva hot book! Seriously, this book needs a warning on it, because it is hot, hot, hot and just about melted my Kindle.

The author deftly explores a marriage in which two people finally realize that they have desires that each can fulfill…they’ve just never thought to explore them. Abby has tried to forget her wild college days and make herself a better person, while Sam has always been straitlaced.

An interesting encounter at Abby’s college reunion (which was interesting on its own, because I would not recognize a single person from my college) leads the couple to question their interests. In turn, they decide to “experiment with fantasies.” And they have no idea what they have gotten themselves into.

The sexy times in this book were some of the hottest that I have ever read, but they were unique in that they were between a couple who had the ultimate trust in each other, due to almost a decade of knowing each other. It was such a refreshing change from the usual combustible 20 somethings who have no experience at all.

(Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but it’s kinda been done to death.)

I really loved that Abby and Sam approached their exploration from a base of mutual trust, and that they remained solid in their commitment to each other as each new experience made them question the foundations of their relationship.

The secondary characters were well done as well…the only person I could have used more of was Angela (the Home Depot scene was great). She kind of seemed to appear only when needed, and it would have been interesting to see more of her.

I liked how all of the characters (main and secondary) were truthful in their commentary. Mitchell’s descriptions of his life were not just there for titillation; it seemed based in honesty and reality.

I also appreciated how the author built each of Sam and Abby’s experiences on the previous one. This allowed for a very natural flow to the story, which was enhanced by the characters’ thoughts and feelings about each event.

Truly, you should grab this book. It’s a fascinating exploration of what may lie beneath the surface of a marriage.

And did I mention it’s hot as hell?

Just Past Two (Comes in Threes, #2)Just Past Two by Elia Winters
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I don’t even know where to start with this book. I loved the characters, I loved the character development, and I loved the entire plot. It was very evenly paced and incredibly realistic. The way the author allowed the characters to explore their feelings and emotions felt natural and was very unlike many romances of this genre. Abby and Sam were so real and honest that they could be anybody going through the same issues. I appreciated that the author wrote about main characters who were older and married (instead of the usual young and inexperienced). The author hit the nail on the head with this one. I truly enjoyed reading about their growth and experiences, and I look forward to reading more from this author. Visit my blog at Fireflies and Free Kicks Fiction Reviews for some more detailed (and dirtier) thoughts on this book. Thank you to Entangled: Scorched (via NetGalley) for a pre-release digital ARC.

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Excerpt: Nothing But Trouble

Excerpt from NOTHING BUT TROUBLE by Amy Andrews CC blasted a superior look in Wade’s direction. He was eating cookies, and crumbs had stuck to his lips. The sudden urge to lick those crumbs off those lips hit her out of the blue. Who knew farmer porn got more interesting with the addition of cookie crumbs? She knew they made ice cream better, but… Oh, for crying out loud—what in hell was with her today? Was she delirious? Or did every woman who entered the Credence town limits suddenly develop a thing for the town’s number one son? Like he needed any more adoration. Welcome to Credence, Colorado, population 2,134. Birthplace of Wade “The Catapult” Carter. That’s what the welcome sign had said on the way in today. She’d thought it kinda funny and had given him some shit about it, but maybe it had been some kind of portent? A warning to poor, unsuspecting females. Beware, all ye who enter here, estrogen hazard ahead. “We don’t name them, anyway,” Wade said, breaking into her analysis. Cal nodded. “That’s right, darlin’. Mighty hard to eat something that’s going to end up in burgers and sausages when it has a name.” CC gasped, horrified, looking down into Wilburta’s—she’d already feminized the name, despite her earlier insistence—pretty face. “What, all of them? Don’t you…” She glanced between Wade and his father. “Keep some? Like for…kids’ parties and…petting zoos and stuff?” Wade laughed again. “Hell no. But dibs on suggesting it to Wyatt.”

Honestly, if you haven’t run to get this yet….WHY NOT?!?!??


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