This series features one of the most unique pairings in all of the crime/mystery books that I read, and I think that it is one that enhances the investigations they undertake.
I know that sounds convoluted, but instead of two detectives, or two people with similar backgrounds, Lexi and Dan have very different perspectives. This allows them to come at an investigation from a holistic point of view, which in turn enables them to each see things that the other might have missed.
This is the third book in the series, and their roles are clearly defined. At least, they are to each other.
However, when the investigation of the case at hand (this time around it’s a child killer, so possible trigger there) hits potentially close to home for one of them, the other is forced to evaluate how much information to share regarding the investigation.
Yeah, yeah…it’s vague. But y’all should be used to my “no spoilers if I can help it” mantra.

This issue causes a tangle in the overall investigation because Dan and Lexi aren’t able to share information as freely with each other as in the past. Now, of course, this doesn’t last long, because they do have to get the bad guy.
I like how the author also allows us to get into the mind of the killer. It doesn’t exactly evoke sympathy, but it does shine light on motive. This gives the reader a leg up on the investigators which in turn makes for active reading (which I appreciate).
There are also multiple layers to the investigation which (again) keeps it true to life. One never knows what might pop up over the course of interviews as the depths of the case are revealed.
I also appreciate how the characters are fallible. Dan gets reamed a couple of times by his superiors and Lexi has self-doubts (as well as being judged by others for her choices).
Even Lucy is forced to make a choice that some might find unethical. But that’s the questions posed throughout – is it okay to break rules if it means stopping evil?
The answer should be yes. Fortunately for these characters, it is.
Author Bio:
Chris Merritt is a British author whose crime thrillers combine psychology, suspense, and characters you care about.
All his novels are set in London, where he lives. He began writing fiction in 2014, after previous careers as a diplomat, based in Iraq and Jerusalem, and later as a psychologist working with victims and perpetrators of crime. He specialised in treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which sparked his interest in telling stories about how people cope when faced with extreme adversity.
Now he spends most of his time writing novels and drinking coffee while *thinking* about writing novels. When he’s not writing, he loves climbing and playing basketball.