This was a challenging read for me. On the one hand there was a lot of spooky build up, but it started so slowly that I almost gave up on it.
I guess the first thing that I can say is to stick with it, because it does eventually start to all make sense and ended up being a suspenseful psych thriller.
Let’s get the so-so out of the way (because none of it was actually bad). There is a lot of set-up in the first few chapters, and it took me quite a while to start putting the pieces together.
In addition to the family moving to a new area, there seemed to be tension between various family members. This was another thing that was not totally clear to me at the onset but made more sense further on in the book.
In a way, that was really the only challenge – getting through the set-up to where everything took off and it became more interesting.
Because it did get very interesting.

Amazon US:
There are enough reviews out there that detail the things that happen to the family – even the blurb tells you some of them.
I’m just here to say that the author does a very good job of building the tension as these “tricks” get more sinister and Bram tries to keep his family together even as he realizes there are things he doesn’t know.
When this started to happen, I almost felt claustrophobic because I knew that the terror was building but couldn’t figure out where it was all going to break.
It ended up with a few surprises, and I’m glad I stuck with it.

About Jane Renshaw:
As a child, Jane spent a lot of time in elaborate Lego worlds populated by tiny plastic animals and people. Crime levels were high, especially after the Dragon brothers set themselves up as vets and started murdering the animals in their ‘care’. (They got away with it by propping the victims up with Plasticine and pretending they were still alive…)
As an adult, she is still playing in imaginary worlds and putting her characters through hell – but now she can call it ‘writing’ and convince herself that she is doing something sensible. In real life, she has a PhD in genetics and copy-edits scientific and medical journals.
Jane is the author of Watch Over Me. NO PLACE LIKE HOME will be her third novel published with Inkubator Books.