Welcome to my stop on the Blog Tour for this amazing book. In short, you don’t want to miss this one, so go get it to read, NOW!

But if you need more convincing, read on.
The opening chapter of this book was a total shocker. I thought, “If it starts like this, it is going to be tough to keep the level going through the whole book.” It may have been tough for the author, but whatever work went into it was worth it because it definitely kept the level of intensity throughout.
The author used everything from characters lying to gaslighting to allusions to past events to propel the plot, but always with a very deft hand. I never felt manipulated or had that “Oh, come ON” feeling. You know, the one you get when the author throws something into the story that seems to come out of left field and is solely there to bridge from one event to another? Boy, do I hate those.
But not to fear, none of those here.
I also thought that the characters were complex and fleshed out completely, and the interactions were natural and true-to-real-life, especially Tamara. She had a creepy vibe from the beginning and it was just delicious to watch how her character developed – the glimpses of her reasoning along the way were believable and it was satisfying to see the entire arc.
I did think that Stacey was a somewhat weaker character – I did think that there could have been a little bit more addressed to make her character’s arc a little more believable, but that’s being nitpicky.
And let me just say that for once, the tag line of “…a heart-stopping ending” was entirely accurate. I found myself holding my breath through the last few pages. Do yourself a favor and go pick this one up today!