Sometimes a book takes a long time to get going, for the real story to kick in, before moving smoothly into a compelling narrative.
This is one of those books.
I will freely admit that I struggled for the first part of this book. I picked it up and put it down numerous times. I’m not sure if it was my frame of mind or if I was having a problem grasping the way the author was laying out the story.
However, I am extremely glad that I stuck with it, because once I figured out the author’s plotting and why the story was being told that way it was, I was sucked in and finished the rest in one sitting.
I honestly couldn’t put it down at that point.
I discovered it was a great way to tell the story. By having an author interview Rose to get her version of the events that precipitated the main event, the reader was able to get a deeper insight into Rose’s mind.

As I have mentioned in the past, I like to take notes while I read – sometimes it’s just something that strikes me, and sometimes it’s for writing my reviews later.
In this case, it was a little of both. But as I was reviewing them, I noticed that one stood out.
“Everybody knows something, but nobody is saying anything.”
This happened so many times as Theo tried to unravel the threads that made up the narrative. And characters kept passing the buck to other characters, saying that “it was so-and-so’s story to tell,” and “ask so-and-so.”
It kept both Theo and the reader off-balance.
I did think that there were a couple of loose ends. There was something hinted at with Ed and Daniel that never came to fruition – or maybe I missed it. Likewise, with Rose and Cathy. I don’t want to give anything away, but it seemed like the author was hinting that those relationships might have been “more.”
There were also a few characters that seemed to be thrown in just move the plot and then easily disappeared. Again, not to give spoilers, but I thought a few of the people Rose came in contact with when she was younger would have played a bigger part in the whole story.
I did also guess a few of the “twists.” As I have mentioned before, I like to think about what the craziest possibility could be and then see if I matched the author. A few times I right this time.
But there were a couple of others that I didn’t get, and they were truly good twists. Right up until the very last pages.
So, if you pick this one up and have a tough time in the beginning, stick with it. It takes a while to get into the groove, but once it does, it is one heck of story filled with deceit, innocence stolen, and revenge.
Who could ask for anything more?

Facebook: jacorrigan
Instagram: juleshayes6/
About J.A. Corrigan:
Julie-Ann Corrigan was born in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire. She studied in London, completing a BA (Hons) Humanities degree, majoring in Modern History and English Literature. Travelling in Europe for several years, she taught in both Greece and Spain – countries and cultures she found fascinating. On return to the UK she gained a BSc (Physiotherapy), becoming a Chartered Physiotherapist. She lives in Berkshire with her family. Website: