The Last to See Her-Blog Tour (Review)-Domestic Suspense-Available Now

Honesty off the top: this is 100% the tale of two books. I’m glad I stuck with it, because even though it started slowly it picked up quite a bit in the middle and there was a mostly satisfying ending.

Right from the start I could tell that Genevieve was a character on edge. In the first chapter, she has received divorce papers. The story proceeds from there in current time…to a point.

After a major event (you can find out what that is from other reviews and blurbs), the author begins to jump around between both time and characters. For as many different perspectives there are the character’s voices were never confusing.

The timeframes caught me a couple of times, but nothing too major that distracted me.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this review, I thought that the beginning of the book was much slower. There wasn’t a lot of action and what there was seemed formulaic and contrived in some parts.

But then at halfway through, things picked up, and the author deftly turned what I thought I knew (via the characters) on its ear. Turns out that nothing was really as it seemed – for the most part.

I thought from about 50% to 80%, pretty much the middle third of the book, was excellent. Secrets were revealed, motivations were explained…and yet there were still misunderstandings.

The one thing that didn’t work for me (entirely) was Gen’s personality. I mean, I get it and it does make sense in the bigger story and it actually gives more meaning to the certain events that occur.

But I didn’t feel like there was enough preliminary attention given to it. It’s a weird conundrum. It totally makes sense and is very logical for Gen’s behavior, but it came out of nowhere. Even as things are explained toward the end, it still felt too much it was just sprung on the reader.

I also thought that the end kind of limped together – I didn’t care for the resolution between Meg and Hawk. That seemed trite. And it all tied up a little too neatly.

That being said, that 30% toward the middle though made the rest of it all worthwhile. Definitely give this one a try!

Author Bio: 

Courtney Evan Tate is the nom de plume (and darker side) of the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Courtney Cole. As Courtney Evan Tate, she is the author of Such Dark Things and I’ll Be Watching You. Courtney grew up in rural Kansas and now lives with her husband and kids in Florida, where spends her days dreaming of new characters and storylines and surprising plot twists and writing them beneath rustling palm trees. Visit her on Facebook or at

Aunt Ivy’s Cottage-Blog Tour (Review)-Family Drama-Available Now

I loved the first book in this series (Summer at Hope Haven), so I was excited to visit the world again. Even though it’s the same location, we get a different set of characters.

This time, we enter Zoey’s family. Her great-aunts share a cottage. Zoey, after facing some hardships of her own, is around to help out. She is constantly at odds with her cousin, Mark.

Right off, I liked this conflict because it set the scene for the two different approaches to elderly relatives. I found this to be relatable – I think most people have had some sort of conflict with family members regarding how to handle estates.

I also didn’t like Mark, which I am sure was by design. He was instantly shown to be untrustworthy. His arrogance and “know-it-all” manner, while annoying, is essential for the plot.

Because there are secrets, you see, in Zoey’s family. And somehow, they are connected to the old lighthouse keeper who the town thinks is crazy. Early on, he drops a cryptic statement on Mark that goes right over Mark’s head – but Zoey catches it.

I liked Zoey’s attentiveness. She often caught things that other characters missed. She seemed very introspective, which was maybe because of her personal issues. But her cautiousness wasn’t annoying – it seemed real. I guess I’m trying to say that she was just genuine.

I also liked Gabi. I thought she was well-written and deep for a teenager. I kind of felt like she and Zoey were a lot alike, which made sense because Gabi was Zoey’s niece.

The family tree was pretty large, and I was sometimes confused. That may have been on me and not the fault of the author, but there were several times I had to go back and check as to who was which character (especially some had the same name).

I also thought the plot was a bit uneven (compared to the first book). The timelines jumped around and while that wasn’t confusing in and of itself, it did add to the complicated character relations.

As I mentioned, I liked the first book a lot. This one was okay but didn’t have the same magic for me. Still, I look forward to the next one in the series.   

Twitter: @KHarperAuthor

About the author
Ever since she was a young girl, there were few things Kristin Harper liked more than creative writing and spending time on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, with her family. Eventually (after a succession of jobs that bored her to tears), she found a way to combine those two passions by becoming a women’s fiction author whose stories occur in oceanside settings. While Kristin doesn’t live on the Cape year-round, she escapes to the beach whenever she can.


The Other Couple-Blog Tour(Review)-Psychological Thriller-Available Now

Flat out, being honest, I almost gave up on this one. I’ll explain why in a minute.  

It would have been a shame, though, because the end was one of the absolute best endings to a book I’ve read recently.

So, I’ll put the end of the review here. Give this one a chance; the payoff is worth it.

Now for the rest of the review. As usual with this author’s books (see The Good Neighbor, The Good Mother, The Guest, and The Assistant), there is a unique beginning and a different approach.

The premise was good. I knew right from the start that there was “something” about Joe and Skye. It took a bit to figure out what the something was, but the reveal of their motivation was well-plotted.

Maggie and Brad were a different story. I didn’t think they were as well fleshed-out, for the most part. I did like how there was a little bit of role-reversal with them. It contributed to the plot in an important way.  

Brad writes a successful marriage blog, and a few of his posts are interspersed between chapters. This was effective because it gave insight to his character. Let’s pull no punches. Brad was a total hypocrite. Not saying more.

Less successful were Maggie’s continuous excuses for her behavior. While they may have been realistic, I didn’t feel that they were legitimate.

Again, I think role-reversal plays a huge part in this entire novel. There is a definite “gender-switch” in terms of motivations, actions, and attitudes.

In fact, the more that I think about it, the title even is ambiguous. Who exactly is “The Other Couple?”

Once you get to that ending, (and oh, that ending), you’ll be reflecting the same way I am right now.

So, again, give this one a chance. There are a lot of internal monologues and “deep thoughts” of the characters that bog it down periodically, but I promise you, the payoff is totally and completely worth it.

About Cathryn Grant:

Cathryn Grant writes psychological thrillers, psychological suspense, and ghost stories. She’s the author of twenty-three novels. 

She’s loved crime fiction all her life and is endlessly fascinated by the twists and turns, and the dark corners of the human mind. 

When she’s not writing, Cathryn reads fiction, eavesdrops, and tries to play golf without hitting her ball into the sand or the water. She lives on the Central California coast with her husband and two cats. 
Cathryn is the author of The Good Mother, The Assistant and other psychological thrillers. The Other Couple will be Cathryn’s fifth novel with Inkubator books. 

Social Media:

Silent Ridge-Books On Tour (Review)-Mystery/Crime Thriller-Available Now

Sometimes it’s really difficult to review a series.

A lot can go wrong: plot points can be at odds with previous events, characters change personalities, timelines don’t match up…there’s a lot of work that goes into maintaining consistency.

That’s a fairly easy review.

However, if an author does a good job of continuing plotlines, has consistency of characters, and keeps the readers interest while remaining true to the world that has been created, that’s a success.

That’s harder to write. Why?

Because to me a review of that kind of book feels repetitive. Even though the criminal case at hand might be different, I don’t want to focus on that because we all know that I hate spoilers.

And I don’t regurgitate blurbs either.

So, where does that leave me with Silent Ridge?

After the events of Snow Creek and Waters Edge, we have a pretty good feel for Detective Megan Carpenter and her erstwhile sidekick, Ronnie. Megan is as caustic and snippy as ever; consider it part of her charm. Ronnie still isn’t used to all of Megan’s quirks.

I will say, I really dig Megan’s inner thoughts. For example, a gunpoint confrontation with another character later in the book leads to Megan thinking about what she should have said to the person – contrasted with what she actually said.

I like that we get this insight to her very strange trains of thoughts.

Once again, the crimes at hand seem to target Megan. On the one hand, I get where this could be a great conspiracy, and Megan being good at her job could put the bullseye on her.

On the other hand, she could also just have the worst past and the worst luck that no matter how hard she tries to escape, the past just keeps following and haunting her.

I’m leaning toward the latter possibility.

The author now has a signature style of plotting the story, and it’s just as successful as the first two books. Again, no spoilers, but he does keep it fresh, even as it’s still about Megan.

That being said, if you haven’t read the first two books, I would definitely recommend starting at the beginning now, before the series gets too deep.

You’ll have a much better understanding of Megan which will add to your understanding of her motivations.

That will increase your enjoyment of this book immensely.

Facebook: GreggOlsenAuthor
Twitter:  @Gregg_Olsen

Author Bio:

A #1 New York Times, Amazon Charts, Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author, Olsen has written nine nonfiction books, seventeen novels, a novella, and contributed a short story to a collection edited by Lee Child.

The award-winning author has been a guest on dozens of national and local television shows, including educational programs for the History Channel, Learning Channel, and Discovery Channel.

The Deep Dark was named Idaho Book of the Year by the ILA and Starvation Heights was honored by Washington’s Secretary of State for the book’s contribution to Washington state history and culture.

Olsen, a Seattle native, lives in Olalla, Washington with his wife, twin daughters, three chickens, Milo (an obedience school dropout cocker) and Suri (a mini dachshund so spoiled she wears a sweater). Website:

Wildflower Graves-Books On Tour (Review)-Mystery Thriller-Available Now

I used to love to re-read early books in a series each time a new book would come out. I did that countless times over the years (as a result, I feel like I often memorized the first couple books because I read them many more times).

I don’t have time for that anymore, so I have to make do with re-reading my reviews of previous books. It’s not as effective, but at least it gives me a quick reminder as to where plot lines ended up.

And then there are the books that stick with me. All I have to do is see a character name or location and it all comes back to me.

Why do I tell you all of that?

Because without a doubt, this book falls into the latter category.

Is it because it’s set in an around the Appalachian region, so it’s familiar territory? Maybe.

Is it because the heroine and other characters are memorable? Sure.

Is it because the previous plot was so shocking that I can’t forget how it all tied together?


This one takes place only three weeks after The Silent Dolls, and as with that book, the author jumps right into the action and doesn’t let up.

There is just a way that Ms. Herron tells a story that grabs me and doesn’t let go.

Ellie is still carrying heavy baggage from the revelations in The Silent Dolls, so (as she is wont to do) she heads out to hike the Appalachians to clear her head…where she promptly discovers a body posed in a very ritualistic manner.

And that’s just in the first couple of chapters.

Once again, the author has crafted a sinuous plot that twists its way through, winding the reader into the story. All of the characters from the first book still have issues. For some, this case gets much more personal

I liked the use of the childhood rhyme. I liked how the serial killer left the clues. And (oddly) I liked the motivations. I thought the whole thing was just overall really well done.

I’ve mentioned before that it can be difficult to write a review for crime/mystery books. I hate giving away plot points, and I 100% hate spoilers.

I will just say that you’re missing out if you don’t get in on this series now, because if book two is any indication, there’s a lot more to come!

Facebook: authorritaherron
Twitter: @ritaherron

Author Bio:

USA Today Bestselling and award-winning author Rita Herron fell in love with books at the ripe age of eight when she read her first Trixie Belden mystery. But she didn’t think real people grew up to be writers, so she became a teacher instead. Now she writes so she doesn’t have to get a real job.

With over ninety books to her credit, she’s penned romantic suspense, romantic comedy, and YA novels, but she especially likes writing dark romantic suspense and crime fiction set in small southern towns.

The Silent House-Books On Tour (Review)-Fiction-Available Now

This is going to be a tough review to write. Not because the book was bad (those are easy reviews, actually), but because in some ways I feel like it was a couple of different books rolled into one.

Let me try to explain.

First, it was very gothic. The crumbling mansion with odd creaks and locked rooms was very atmospheric. Add in the talk of a possible werewolf dog, the suspicion of a character having many lives, and a frankly creepy dummy/child ventriloquist, and you have the makings of a gothic horror novel.

And those parts worked. I enjoyed Isobel’s fears and Julie’s use of the dummy as her “voice.” In some ways, the girls were the most likeable characters.

But there’s another side to the book, and that’s family drama. Sophy has taken the job at Hyland House because her marriage imploded due to her husband’s addiction (not going to tell you what kind).

In taking care of the “The Recluse,” however, things start to get personal, which makes everything weird. Secrets are revealed – some of which are unexpected to the characters.

There’s also a (sort of) romantic triangle for Sophy between Victor and her husband. That wasn’t a major point to me though; it almost seemed more aimed at moving other points along rather than a line of its own.

All of it is put together into an epic story that sometimes drags but ultimately did keep me engaged up to the end. I did guess one of the major secrets, but as I have mentioned before, I often try to think of the most “out there” theory and see if I match the author.

I wasn’t sure what to expect going into the book, but what I got (in spite of the different genres it seems to fit) was an interesting read with good characters (some better than others), and a twisty plot that took me out of real-life for a while.

And that’s almost always a good thing in a book.   

Twitter: @Elliot_Laura
Facebook: lauraelliotauthor

Author Bio:

Laura Elliot is an Irish novelist who writes psychological thrillers and lives in Dublin, Ireland. Her novels are: The Thorn Girl, The Wife Before Me, Guilty, Sleep Sister, The Betrayal, Fragile Lies, Stolen Child and The Prodigal Sister. Her latest novel,
The Tinderbox is due for release in December 2020. AKA June Considine, she had written twelve books for children and young adults. She has worked as a journalist and magazine editor.

Cozy Mystery-“The Kensington Kidnap”-Available Now

Full disclosure. I used to love a good cozy mystery, but for some reason, I moved away from them over the past couple of years. I still read the occasional one and enjoy them every time, but they just don’t hold my attention the way they used to.

Until this book.

Right from the start I knew that I was going to really like Pip (short for Epiphany). Her initial reactions to her mom’s phone calls gave immediate insight into Pip’s frame of mind, which was totally relatable.

It also showed that Pip handled frustrating situations with a sense of humor, which I really appreciated. It was nice to have a heroine who, even when desperate for a job, could keep her wits about her and crack jokes.

Which leads me to the other characters.

There’s Mummy, who we get a clear picture of because Pip has a unique ringtone for her. There’s also Pip’s cat, Most, probably one of the funniest “pet acquisition” stories and the cleverest name I’ve come across.

And then there’s Pip’s sister Flis (short for Felicity) who is in a class of her own. It took me a few beats to understand her, but once I did, well…let’s just say that Mrs. Malaprop has a descendant, and her name is Flis.

I laughed out loud over just about every one of Flis and Pip’s conversations. There was extremely clever writing and the plot points that came out of them were unique and interesting.

If you couldn’t tell, the authors are skilled at word play and have an amazing command of the language.

Then there is the case itself. I liked how Pip came on the job (not going to give it away) and I liked how the entire thing unfolded. It kept me entertained and interested all the way through.

Sometimes cozies stretch the realm of believability – everyday person has uncanny ability to solve crime. That’s not the case with Pip.

She uses what she knows, and she turns it to her advantage. For example, she figures out a few pieces of the case based on her love for pop culture, reading gossip magazines, and scouring Instagram.

Think of it as a cozy for 2020.

I’ll be honest, I’m not always a fan of pop culture and the digital age but it worked for me in this book, especially because the writing was clever. I mean, to make a joke about alliteration using alliteration? I think I’m in love.

Consider me a fangirl, avidly awaiting additional adventures for Pip.

Author Bio:
Katie Gayle is the writing partnership of best-selling South African writers, Kate Sidley and Gail Schimmel. Kate and Gail have, between them, written over ten books of various genres, but with Katie Gayle, they both make their debut in the cozy mystery genre. Both Gail and Kate live in Johannesburg, with husbands, children, dogs and cats. Unlike their sleuth Epiphany Bloom, neither of them have ever stolen a cat from the vet. 

Promises in the Dark-Books On Tour (Review)-Serial Killer Thriller-Available Now

It’s hard to believe that this is book ten of the Kane and Alton series! By now, they’re like old friends that I check in on to see what what’s happening in their neck of the woods. I’m never disappointed.

After an explosive prologue (quite literally), the action doesn’t let up. There’s tension in every aspect of the story: the crime itself, the perpetrator’s motivations – even among the investigators.

As always, I enjoy the depth that the author puts into the characters. They’re all “real” people with logistically sound backgrounds that sometimes have direct bearing on current events.

This time, it’s no different. We find out early that the initial crime may have a direct relation to the death of Kane’s wife Annie (that’s not a spoiler). It adds a legitimate touch of urgency to the investigation, beyond the basics of the crime.

I also thought that the way the Kane and Jenna interacted with Carter and Jo was interesting. There was respect to a point, but there was also some of that aforementioned tension. I liked how Jo and Carter got a little more to do in this one.

The term that keeps coming to mind whenever I read and review one of the books in this series (Her Shallow Grave or Her Broken Wings) is how realistic everything is.

Yes, the bad guy is bad, but he also has dimension. Yes, the investigators solve the crime, but they’re not perfect. The interactions and events are all plausible and mostly seem natural.

It’s difficult writing a review about books like the ones in this series because the plot really needs to be experienced to be appreciated, so I don’t want to give spoilers.

On the other hand, just saying “there’s another serial killer and Kane and Alton are on the case” doesn’t portray the depth of the characters and story.

Suffice to say that it’s another great entry in the series. By book ten, some might expect there to be slip-ups, but I couldn’t find any. It’s still as good as the earlier books.

Maybe even better.

Facebook: dkhoodauthor
Twitter:  @DKHood_Author

Author Bio:

I’ve always had a wicked sense of humour and was the kid who told the ghost stories around the campfire. I am lucky to have family all over the world and have spent many vacations in places from Paris France to Montana USA and Australia. I use the wonderful memories from these visits to enhance my stories.
My interest in the development of forensic science to solve crime goes back many years. I enjoy writing crime, mystery and thrillers. With many stories, waiting for me to write I’ll look forward to sharing many spine-tingling stories with you.

D.K. Hood is an active member of International Thriller Writers.

Her Sister’s Child-Books On Tour (Review)-Psychological Thriller-Available Now

This was quite an interesting read.

It started off with one focus, then seemingly switched. I’ll admit that I read nearly half of it wondering exactly what was going on. To be honest I was a little bit annoyed.

And then I got to a turning point and realized exactly what the author had plotted out and I couldn’t help but admire how everything was put together.

It ended up being one of the more unusual psychological thrillers I have read in some time.

Although, I do have to say that I didn’t get much of a psych thriller feel from it – almost more family drama. Then again, I recently wrote about how some psych thrillers play more of a trick on the reader than the characters in the book, and I would say this fell into that category.

The story is sectioned into three parts. The first part alternates between Paula and Charlie. I’ll admit to being unsure of whether they were taking place in the same time frame or not – I like that the author left that ambiguous because it worked for the story.

In part II, we get the added perspective of Marian, and part III alternates between all three women. It’s an effective way of story telling because the reader gets a holistic picture of the plot (if that makes sense).


There was also a bit of mystery, because Paula is actually trying to find out what really happened with her sister Lizzie. I really enjoyed the scenes with her and Johnny, because I liked their common-sense approaches.

I thought Marian was an interesting character. She seemed harmless at first before the plot really kicked in. I’m not saying more than that, but she was a good example of how even the smallest things can affect someone.

I do want to recognize that the way the author finally brings everything together was pretty masterful. Again, I don’t want to give anything away, but I loved how there were things right under my nose that I hadn’t even noticed.

That can be chalked up to clever writing (yes, I did even go back to see if I had missed something) and a strong plot that stood up to the twists and turns (that were all realistic, by the way).

I would definitely recommend giving this book a read. Stick with it, because you will be rewarded.

Interesting side note: As I was formatting this blog, I re-read my review for this author’s previous book, The Man She Married. I realized that the author plotted this one much in the same manner.

It is apparent she has a writing style. Now that I recognize that over two books, I’ll be looking forward to it in the next one.

Facebook: alison.james.90226628
Twitter:  @AlisonJbooks

Author Bio:

Born in the Cotswolds, Alison spent most of her formative years abroad. She studied languages at Oxford, then became a journalist and author, returning to university after her two children to take a law degree. After a three-year stint as a criminal paralegal, Alison worked as a commercial copywriter and then a TV storyliner, before coming full circle to write fiction again.

Unfaithful-Books On Tour (Review)-Psych Thriller-Available Now

I don’t know where to start with this one. The author has crafted a page-turning, compelling story that had me thinking one thing throughout the entire book only to pull the rug out from under me a couple of times.

I like when an author can do that.

I thought the premise was interesting and it was unique enough that it grabbed my attention right away. I liked the setting and Anna’s job. Both opened up the story to lots of side avenues, and the author took full advantage of that. I also liked the “math mystery.”

Anna was instantly relatable. She was the type of person who always said yes to everything partly to be indispensable but partly because it was the only way she thought things would get done correctly. I think many women of a certain age can identify with that feeling.

I did think that the author could have used that a little bit more, actually. There were a few times when it came into play, but after a point, it seemed like that aspect of her personality kind of disappeared.

As things in Anna’s life become a mysterious and convoluted, everything in general becomes more complicated. The author did a good job of keeping me a little off balance.

As events occurred, I was never quite sure if Anna was on the up and up or if there was background that was being hinted at but not fully explained. I liked that as well, because it wasn’t an “easy solve.”

I really don’t want to give anything away because there were some good twists. And if I say much more I’ll give away a major point. And I hate doing that.

I will also say, however, that I wish the author had taken a bit more time with language. It was clear that the action was set in the United States. However, there were a lot of UK English terms (“plaster” for “bandage/band-aid,” “twig” for “catch on,” “biro” for pen, etc.)

I didn’t see any indication that Anna had a UK background, so this was a bit distracting. Just a little attention to detail that’s a bit of a pet peeve of mine.

But it didn’t wreck the overall enjoyment I got from reading it. This was definitely a solid psych thriller, and I highly recommend it.

Facebook: NatalieBarelliBooks

Author Bio:

Natalie Barelli can usually be found reading a book, and that book will more likely than not be a psychological thriller. When not absorbed in the latest gripping page-turner, Natalie loves cooking, enjoys riding her Vespa around town and otherwise spends far too much time at the computer. She lives in Australia, with her family.


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