The Couple on the Train-Cooper-Psych Thriller

The Couple on the Train: An absolutely compelling psychological thriller packed with suspense by Claire Cooper

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Just when I thought I had figured out The Couple on the Train, Claire Cooper threw a twist in that I did not see coming.
Since I read so many psych thrillers, I really enjoy it when an author does that.
I was convinced that it was a run-of-the-mill, obvious who the culprit is type book. I should have had more faith in the author.
Not only was I wrong about the perpetrator, but the truth was also so slyly hinted at that I totally missed it.
The story unfolds in “Then” and “Now” chapters, and the transitions are smooth. They’re also evenly spaced out. I didn’t realize until the very end that there was a reason for where each “Then” chapter was placed.
New readers should pay attention to that.
Laura is also an unreliable narrator. It’s unclear through most of the book if she is even mentally stable. No spoilers, but that plays heavily into the resolution…which was one of the more thrilling ones I’ve read in recent memory.
Oh, and stay tuned for the very end. I mean it – read to the last word. Or you’ll miss something important.
I thoroughly enjoyed The Couple on the Train and will be looking for the next psych thriller from Claire Cooper.

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