I was excited to read The Assistant by Nicole Trope. Not only do I love this author’s psych thrillers, but I figured I’d be able to relate to the topic/main character (as that’s pretty much my job).
I wasn’t wrong on any count.
Ava has a lot on her plate: two young girls at home, a self-centered husband who doesn’t always pick up the slack, her work is hectic with a co-worker who seems to be undermining her as they vie for an important position.
Truly too much for one person to handle efficiently.
Enter Grace – Assistant Extraordinaire.
Little by little, the reader learns that Grace used to have a different life and is now trying to rebuild. But is there more to her motivation?

While the story itself was solid, it was made stronger because the reader knows Ava is flawed as well. And as Grace’s backstory unfolds, it is easy to see the parallels between her previous life (mostly through letters) and Ava’s current situation.
I enjoyed this book immensely. It was an easy and engaging read, with realistic characters and situations. Sometimes, psych thrillers stretch the limits of believability, but this one felt like it was all legit.
I will say that I had my suspicions about a major twist, and I was right, but I think that’s because I challenge myself with books like this. That being said, I certainly didn’t see a few other twists coming.
Do yourself a favor and pick up The Assistant by Nicole Trope. If you’re a fan of psych thrillers, you will not be disappointed.