The Wedding Day by Sue Watson is a different kind of psych thriller. Instead of events making the plot come together, I felt more confused the further I read.
That’s not necessarily a bad thing – because it certainly kept me guessing. But it was a little odd.
Alice is a mess. There is no other way to put it. She’s lost her husband to an affair, spiraled into drinking, and lost her job because of that…a perfect storm of misery.
So, when she runs into said ex-husband and new chick – and realizes something disturbing – she can hardly be blamed for being upset, right?
Well…..she’s more than that. This meeting is the catalyst for all that follows in the book.
In short order, Alice finds herself on the island of Corfu – and that’s when the plot really takes off. I’m not going to give away any spoilers, but you can read the blurb for what occurs next.

There are some parts of the book that feel very repetitive. Yes, we get it – Alice and her sister really like crime shows. Does that help them, or does it make them paranoid? And why is Alice obsessing over posters of missing women on the island?
I will say that I thought the author was going a different direction with that plotline, especially in light of recent news about a certain island in the Caribbean. So, kudos for leading me down that path.
The author also did a good job of laying in just enough clues and red herrings that the reader remained as off-kilter as Alice. The end requires a bit of suspended disbelief, but I’m not mad at it. It is just soapy enough to be entertaining.
In fact, that describes the whole book, really.
The Wedding Day is a “take your brain out and go for the ride” type of psych thriller. It is good enough that I’ll continue to look for books from Sue Watson.