Forget Me Not-Rijks-Psych Thriller-Available Now

Forget Me Not by Miranda Rijks is a psych thriller that mostly delivers, and it has a couple of decent twists to boot.

I liked the setup. There is an incident of unknown origin. That’s how I’ve come to think of the events that often occur in a prologue.

Most of the time, we don’t know who, when, how, or why. And that’s good because it kicks the book off with a mystery.

In this case, the action jumps from the event in the prologue to Helen’s life in the current time. She makes an offhanded comment about timing that gives the reader another mystery to latch onto. And then the story is off and running.

The plotting is pretty good, and so is the pacing. I never got bored of the story, and it felt like it kept moving forward fairly smoothly.

I did like Helen. She is matter-of-fact and honest. She is a victim of circumstances and ugly people. However, there are times (specifically later in the book) when I think she could have been smarter about a few things.

Forget Me Not blog tour poster

That’s all I am going to say about that.

The author throws in quite a few red herrings along the course of the story. I found it pretty easy to tell what wasn’t important for the most part, but I will say I missed one major connection.

I did guess one of the bigger twists, so there was not a lot of tension in that. And I guessed at what would happen to one of the characters due to the situations at hand.

At one point, it seemed as if the author ran out of steam. A couple of characters I figured on being more prominent literally just disappeared. And a couple of resolutions were underwhelming.

But Forget Me Not was still a good psych thriller, and I will continue to look for books from Miranda Rijks.

Miranda Rijks psych thriller author headshot

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