I enjoyed the first two visits to Cape Sanctuary, so I was excited to visit again in Summer at the Cape. RaeAnne Thayne has created a location that evokes childhood memories for me. You can see my reviews of The Sea Glass Cottage and The Path to Sunshine Cove for details about the setting.
While this one didn’t quite have the charm of the first two, I still was happy to be back on the Cape.
For whatever reason, this plot felt unnecessarily complicated. It’s not that it is difficult to understand, it just seemed that there is a lot going on.
Cami is the older sister of twins, one of whom (Lily) has met a tragic end. So, she is coping with being the odd one out but also with losing a sister.
Violet, the twin who is still alive, is dealing with her own demons. Who is she now that Lily is gone? It isn’t easy coping without her other half.
Their mom, Rosemary, who was all in on a glampground project with Lily, is a free spirit who begs Cami to come back and help sort out estate and land issues.

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I should note that Cami left the more relaxed Cape Sanctuary when she was 14. She grew up with her dad in Los Angeles. She has a lot to adjust to when she returns, beyond the complicated family issues.
I didn’t really connect with any of the characters the way I did in the past two books. That makes a difference in how enjoyable a book can be. It is still an engaging story, but I didn’t have that personal connection that takes it to the next level.
As always, I liked the secondary characters. They seem realistic and are appropriate to the story. And I love the setting. This is another pleasant read from RaeAnne Thayne.
I can’t really say I loved it, but I definitely liked it and it is another solid entry in the Cape Sanctuary series. I’ll keep returning for the location alone.

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Author Bio:
New York Times bestselling author RaeAnne Thayne finds inspiration in the beautiful norhtern Utah mountains where she lives with her family. Her stories have been described as “poignant and sweet” with “beautiful honest storytelling that goes straight to the heart.” She loves to hear from readers and can be reached through her website at www.raeannethayne.com.