I was thoroughly taken by The French House by Helen Fripp. It is historical fiction at its finest. So, you can imagine my excitement when I saw The Painter’s Girl. While I don’t think it quite lives up to her previous novel, there is plenty to like about it.
First of all, Paris. Who doesn’t like a novel set in Paris? Then add a circus. And impressionist painters.
Yes, it might seem like a lot going on, but I promise it all makes sense in the course of the plot. Although, it does seem a bit “busy” at times, with so much going on.
As always, you can read the gist of the plot in the blurb on any number of sites. I will say that as I read, I had mixed vibes. Maybe it was the subject matter, maybe it was the setting. I don’t know.
But at various times, I got vibes that were Les Miserables, Moulin Rouge, and La Boheme. Not sure if that was the intention, or just my personal knowledge seeping in, but it all added an extra level of enjoyment to my reading.
The plot itself is pretty straightforward even as there are twists and turns in Mimi’s life. And she certainly experiences the fickleness and unpredictability of an artist’s personality. Then again, she is an artist as well, soooo…..
There are a few things that I had difficulty with. It felt a little rushed and complicated where it didn’t need to be. But when I think about it, it seems as if a couple of decades of history are condensed into this story. So that could be part of it.
There are also a lot of characters to keep track of. It’s not an insurmountable amount, but you do have to pay attention.
As with any good historical fiction novel, there is a mixture of historical fact and fiction to tie it all together. In this case, it works for the most part.
I think if a reader goes into this with the knowledge that a lot is going on, but with the eye to being entertained, they will find The Painter’s Girl to be an excellent read. I look forward to reading more from Helen Fripp.

Facebook: helen.frippauthor.3
About the author
I love delving into the past and uncovering new stories, and in my writing, the tiniest historical detail can spark an idea for a whole chapter. My female characters rail against the social constraints to which they are subject and often achieve great success, but they are of course flawed and human, like the rest of us. It’s the motivations, flaws, loves and every-day lives of my characters that I love to bring life, against sweeping historical backdrops – and I will find any excuse to take off and research a captivating location or person for my next story.