I thought the description of this book was intriguing and it has one of the best catch lines of any I’ve read recently.
It also ended up being totally unlike any book I have read in recent memory.
Part mystery, part mysticism, part crime equals totally enthralling.
Right from the beginning, the author puts the reader into the frame of mind of the heroine, Sophie. She has no memory of her past, and the reader discovers it with her as things slowly start to come back to her.
I thought this was extremely effective. If there had been hints that the reader knew but Sophie didn’t, I don’t think that it would have been nearly as interesting. It put Sophie and the reader on equal footing and made her more relatable.

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I liked the mysticism that went along with the “haunted house.” It contributed to Sophie’s spotty memory: were there visions of the former owner or real people who showed up? Was Sophie being guided or was it simpler than that?
I also liked how she and Nathaniel related to each other. And the whole dynamic with the people involved with both of them was real and made sense.
There is a lot of imagery (some mystical) in this book at well, which I really enjoyed. The author certainly did the necessary homework to make it believable and not “out there.”
About two-thirds through, things started to crystallize and what had happened to Sophie became clear. I thought this was also well-done. I don’t want to give anything away, because (as I mentioned at the outset) the reader really does get to take the journey along with her.
To say anymore will probably reveal spoilers. Suffice to say that this is a good mystery with current topics and a compelling narrative that had me reading late into the night to reach the resolution.
Thoroughly satisfying and highly recommended.

Author Bio:
Kelly Heard is a novelist from Afton, Virginia. She published poetry in literary magazines before signing her debut novel, Before You Go, with Bookouture.
Kelly prefers writing to most other pastimes, but you’ll occasionally find her in the garden, hiking, or exploring antique shops.