I really enjoyed the introduction to Charlie Winters in First Girl Gone. I liked the unique “conscience” she had, and I liked her attitude. Naturally, I was excited for her next investigation.
I wasn’t disappointed.
I thought that Charlie has grown. She seemed more comfortable in her role this time. She still has the messy family dynamics. She’s constantly tugged in a few different directions.
And of course, she still has the voice of her sister to keep her company. Or to argue with. Or to provide wry commentary on the case at hand. In some ways, Allie is my favorite character.
Which is strange, because at the same time she’s really just another side of Charlie. I mean, we all have that Jiminy Cricket in our ear. I guess with Allie, it’s a little different because she is a fully developed person, not just an inner monologue.

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Anyway, back to the investigation.
I very much enjoyed the spirit of this one. Right from the start (dead rich guy with warring heirs) I got the feeling of being in a mix between an Agatha Christie novel and a game of Clue.
And yes, I thought that even before Allie referenced it.
As with the first book, the authors did a good job of keeping the investigation lively and gave away clues (with a dash of a few red herrings) without giving away the entire plot.
That’s another thing I like about these books – the authors allow for the reader to solve the case along with Charlie.
This is quickly becoming one of my favorite series, and I can’t wait for the next one.

Author bio:
L.T. Vargus and Tim McBain are the authors of the Violet Darger series and The Scattered and the Dead series among others, which have collectively tallied over a million downloads. Their book, Dead End Girl, peaked at #3 in the US Kindle charts and has remained in the top 10 in multiple sub-categories since it was published in 2017