This book has all of the hallmarks of a good psych thriller.
Opening scene that grabs the reader? Check.
Cool plot point that sets the scene and tone? Check.
Unreliable narrators who throw the reader off balance? Check.
Chapters with a mystery character who could be anybody? Check.
And don’t forget a few red herrings thrown in the mix.
I was never quite sure where this one was going. There were definitely times where I thought the author was throwing a curve ball (sometimes I was right, sometimes I was wrong).
I liked how the plot unfolded and thought the conceit (Phil losing his memory of two years) worked well for being able to question what was real and what wasn’t. I also thought the character relationships were realistic.
I thought the author did a decent job of creating doubt as to whose story was more accurate. There were a few times that I found myself doubting Freya because there was just enough uncertainty in her perspective to make Phil’s concerns legitimate.

As the truth starts to come out, however, it becomes apparent as to why those doubts are given any attention at all. I don’t want to give away a major plot point (you can find those spoilers elsewhere).
But I do think that once the reality of the entire situation comes to light, there are a few lapses in logic that were hard to overlook.
Without giving too much information, I found it difficult to believe that Freya would even consider giving Phil another chance. I mean, those memories she had were real regardless of whatever else happened.
In that regard, Freya’s characteristic was the most real because she was the stereotypical person in that situation, always making excuses, thinking that the next time will be different.
Again, don’t want to say more – but as you can see from other reviews, there may be some triggering events in this story.
I thought that the author handled it well, but it made me question how strong Freya really was.
Ultimately, I did get that answer. I also guessed a few other “twists” but they were still good. I would recommend this book. I understand this is the author’s first psych thriller and I think it’s a good start. I hope to see more.

TWITTER: @karen_king
Author Bio:
Karen King is a multi-published bestselling author of fiction for both adults and children. She has also written several short stories for women’s magazines.
Currently published by Bookouture and Headline. Karen has recently signed a two-book deal with Bookouture to write psychological thrillers. The first one will be out in November, and the second one in 2021. She is also contracted to write three romance novels for Headline, which will be out in 2021 and 2022