Here’s an interesting thing about psychological thrillers.
Sometimes they’re slow burns that draw the reader in with sinewy turns, keeping both the characters and the readers off balance.
Sometimes they’re roller coasters with sharp about faces and twists that make the reader question what they thought they knew, and what is “real” or not within the story.
And sometimes they’re heavy on they “psychological” part, delving into the characters’ motivations with long internal monologues and deep thoughts.
I would put this book firmly in the last category. And that’s both good and bad.
The good is that we get intense insight into Emily’s thought processes and motivations. There are various chapters from other characters’ points of view (her daughter and husband mainly) but the story belongs to Emily.
It was interesting because Emily has a lot of baggage that causes her to overthink and overreact to events and minor incidents. It made her an unreliable character because it was often hard to tell if her reactions were justified or not.
The plot certainly has several plot points that make the reader (and Emily) think one thing when something else is actually the truth. This is that “off-balance” part I mentioned earlier. There were several red herrings, which made for a few page-turning moments.

However, the not so good part of the reliance on inner monologues is that it makes for long passages with no action. That’s tough to get through. For me, that type of writing requires paying close attention to the details.
Recently it seems as if I don’t have it in me to concentrate that carefully. That’s absolutely no fault of the author at all – I usually appreciate those insights and the effort that goes into creating a character’s perspective.
But for whatever reason, the long “thoughts’ made it more difficult for me to read. That’s totally on me.
The author has crafted a good story with an ironic title because it’s nearly impossible to know who to trust in this twisted tale. You’d do well to pick this one up and give it a try.

Twitter: @sherylbrowne
Author Bio:
Sheryl Browne writes psychological thriller and edgy contemporary fiction. A member of the Crime Writers’ Association, Romantic Novelists’ Association and awarded a Red Ribbon by The Wishing Shelf Book Awards, Sheryl has several books published and two short stories in Birmingham City University anthologies, where she completed her MA in Creative Writing.