I love this series and have been hooked since Harper’s story in The Magnolia Sisters. My affection for the Anderson family and the town of Hillsboro grew through Sweet Pea Summer and The Perfect Hideaway.
But I want to be clear that I have been avidly waiting for Rose’s story. Even though I can relate to may, I identify with Rose the most out of the main characters we’ve met. I especially had to laugh when Harper called her “Shakespeare” because that was my nickname (for a while) when I was growing up.
But I digress.
If you’ve read the rest of the series, you know what to expect – realistic characters in a bucolic setting with incidents, interactions, and events that all feel perfectly normal. The author has a talent for making the reader feel like they’re a townsperson of Hillsboro. Something is comforting in the familiarity of all of it.

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Aside from sharing a nickname, I really dig Rose’s character. I like how she’s prickly on the outside but is also whip-smart and has a sharp sense of humor. The scheme she cooks up with Cole is something I would absolutely think of.
And Cole? Well, what can I say about him? He’s an actor without a lot of pretenses, who is much deeper than his good looks. We all hope that our movie crushes have that simpler nature on the inside, no?
I was a little bit unsure of his original reasoning for wanting to enter into the “romance” with Rose, because it seemed a little underhanded – and frankly naïve. But it was soon apparent that even his best-laid plans were going to be all screwed up.
As with other books, you know what’s inevitable, but the fun is getting there with the characters. I’m sad that this was the last sister (including Annie), but I’m really hoping that the author sees fit to give us another visit to Hillsboro.
I’m not ready to leave.

Facebook: alysmurrayauthor
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Twitter: @writeralys
Author Bio:
Alys Murray is an author who writes for the romantic in all of us. Though she graduated with a degree in Drama from NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts and a Master’s in Film Studies from King’s College London, her irrepressible love of romance led her to a career as an author, and she couldn’t be happier to write these stories! Currently splitting time between her home state of Louisiana and London, she enjoys kissing books, Star Wars, and creating original pie recipes for all of her books. Tobey Maguire is her Spider-Man.