Twisted doesn’t even begin to describe this one.
Honestly, I read so many psych thrillers that it takes a lot to get one completely over on me. But this one did. Not only did the author have me going on several fronts, she also had me convinced that I had outsmarted her and knew who it was from the beginning.
I was wrong. Well done.
The reader knows from the prologue that something nefarious is going on in Becca’s life. We then immediately skip back to 2.5 weeks earlier to where it all began. But as events unfold, we find out that things began even further back than this.

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The author did a fantastic job of plotting. As Becca succumbs to the pressures of life, her long-held doubts come to the forefront making her question her own sanity. In turn, this makes the reader question Becca’s trustworthiness as a narrator. It was effective, because I never knew if she was truly a victim or if she was bringing it on herself.
Becca’s past job experience also plays heavily in the plot, which was another great aspect. As situations worsen, so does Becca’s perspective. She keeps trying to do the right thing, but her past keeps passively working against her.
Except for when it comes to Connor, the titular ex-boyfriend. This was perhaps one of the most effective plot threads. Everybody has “the one that got away,” and in times of stress it would be natural to think about “what might have been.” It’s easy to look at the past through rose-colored glasses.
Somebody close to Becca knows this and uses her uncertainty and unhappiness to prey on her family in the worst possible manner. Is it the ex-boyfriend who wants her back? The husband she suspects of cheating? Or somebody else?
No way in hell am I going to give anything away on this one. The twists keep right on coming, literally up until the very last chapter.
If I had any complaint at all, and this is nitpicking, it would be that one of the last twists was never really explained and the follow-through on it wasn’t as plausible as the rest of the story. That, and one character’s actions were never fully addressed.
But those are minor compared to the overall arc, as it was well-written and definitely a page-turner. By far, one of the best ones I’ve read this year. You do NOT want to miss out – go get it now!

Author Bio:
Rona lives on the Isle of Man with her husband, two dogs and three guinea pigs. She has been a bookworm since she was a child and now she’s actually creating stories of her own, which still feels like a dream come true.
She is an outdoorsy person and loves stomping up a mountain, walking the coastal paths and exploring the wonderful beaches on the Island while she’s plotting how to kill off her next victim. She also makes sure she deletes her Google history on a regular basis, because… well, you can’t be too careful when you spend your life researching new and ingenious ways for people to die.
She has three children and two step-children who are now grown up and leading varied and interesting lives, which provides plenty of ideas for new stories!