It’s funny how my book choices/tours seem to go in waves. For a while, the historical fiction novels I was reading were mostly about the French resistance. Then there were a few about Jewish people being hidden in different countries. Even a few about England.
But this is the third or fourth book in the past few weeks that has focused on Italy. I find it fascinating, because WWII is often remembered as Hitler’s War, but Mussolini was right in there with him, at least for a while.
My love for learning through historical fiction is nothing new to anyone who has read past reviews. This time, I got the fascinating perspective of Italian cinema. It’s one of those little things that one never thinks about (who can think about movies while there’s a war going on?) but continue they did…at least for a while.
I thought that the author did a fantastic job of paralleling the stories of Livia and Isabella. Although their lives were completely opposite of each other (university student and actress), they had much in common. I also liked how their stories touched each other, but never fully intertwined.
Each of the women were brave, although one was more forthright and took action. The other was a reluctant hero who stayed naïve for far too long. By the time the latter person “woke up” she had even more difficult choices to make, which led to a complicated end-of-the-war time for her.
If anything, the author clearly wanted to get the point across that in a time of struggle, it is important to choose your side wisely; otherwise, it might be chosen for you and you’ll have to take whatever happens as a result.
What I thought was most interesting about this book was the period in which it takes place. Many people don’t realize that the Italians (in a strange way) were more protected under Mussolini – at least, several of them had become comfortable with the fascist government.
Once he was removed, however, there was a vacuum of leadership that allowed for the Germans to invade and take over. The author did a great job illustrating the depravity of the Germans, their defiance of societal norms, and the desperation they exhibited when they knew they were failing.
It was also a stark reminder of just how far the German occupation expanded before it was beat back by what seems like sheer will…at least in part. When I read books like this, I am reminded of how easy it was for them to grab their footholds, and how it can never be allowed to happen again.
This story of fortitude, bravery, and the compelling urge to do the right thing should be on the top of your reading list.
Author Bio:
Debbie Rix has had a long career in journalism, including working as a presenter for the BBC. Her first novel, The Girl with Emerald Eyes was set around the building of the tower of Pisa and she has since released Daughters of the Silk Road and The Silk Weaver’s Wife. Debbie writes heartbreaking historical novels about love, tragedy and secrets.