The Mistress by Jill Childs – Books On Tour (Review)

This book zigged when I thought it was going to zag and kept me guessing (for the most part) right up until the very end.

The story is told in two halves. The first is from the perspective of Laura Dixon, the titular mistress. We only get a small glimpse into her relationship with Ralph before everything goes horribly wrong.

From there, the readers are taken through Laura’s confusion “post-incident.” We’re never quite sure if she is totally losing it, or if there is a reason that she is reacting so strongly to her situation. Did she love Ralph that much? Did he have another secret that she knew about? And what’s with the weird text messages she begins to receive?

The tension builds as she becomes more erratic, finally climaxing in another incident. However, we don’t know exactly what happens, because the book abruptly switches point of view.

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The second half is from Helen’s point of view. She’s the long-suffering wife of Ralph. She has to keep everything together for the sake of her daughter. She’s calm and collected where Laura is spinning off the rails.

Is there a method to why she is so cool in the face of her husband’s betrayal? What does she know that she’s not sharing? The author drops a few asides that let the reader know there’s more going on.

I thought that both characters were interesting in their own rights, and well-written to represent the two sides of an affair. The mistress blames the wife for the husband straying…until she’s forced to really take a look at her own behavior.

The wife knows how charming her husband could be, but how many times would she put up with betrayal? And having a daughter to look after and protect makes for a mean Mama Bear to come out.

This book is well-plotted. Even though I said that the switch in point of view was abrupt, it wasn’t jarring. It was obvious that Laura’s part in the story was pretty much over (we do get a few mentions of what happened to her), and that it was time for Helen to take over the narrative. It was effective story-telling.

I mentioned it kept me guessing “for the most part.” I like to play a game when I read psych thrillers, trying to think of the most outrageous plot twist, seeing if I can outguess the author. Sometimes I’m successful. This time I had an inkling, but not a full theory until late in the story. Even then, I didn’t get it completely right.

I’d definitely recommend this one for insight into the minds of females on both sides of an affair…and that killer twist (literally).

Author Bio:
Jill always loved writing – real and imaginary – and spent thirty years travelling the world as a journalist, living overseas and reporting wherever the news took her. She’s now made her home in south-west London with her husband and twin girls who love stories as much as she does. Although she’s covered everything from earthquakes and floods, wars and riots, she’s decided some of the most extraordinary stories are right here at home – in the secrets and lies she imagines behind closed doors on ordinary streets just like yours. 


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