I have become a huge fan of this series. Don’t believe me? Check out my reviews for The Magnolia Sisters and Sweet Pea Summer!
I love the setting (small town), I love the characters (family-oriented and real), and I love flowers. Those are really the three requirements. This time out, we skip the third Anderson sister and get Annie’s (Luke’s sister) instead).
Annie has been a force to be reckoned with through the first two books. Her demeanor and zeal for making people happy is apparent and flows from the pages. In this book (the third of the series), we get to know her better, and it turns out there’s a lot more than she wants people to see.
Annie is a people-pleaser. She wants to make sure that everything is perfect for the people she loves. Her professional “career” as a social influencer is indicative of that need to be picture perfect. She lives by that because she knows that her followers will pick apart every single detail.
However, as she sees her brother get married (no spoiler, it literally starts the book) she realizes that her life is all surface and very little depth.

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That’s exactly what George sees. He’s a reporter for the local Hillsboro paper, and a total throwback to the news journalists of the 30s (I could practically see him working in a smoky newsroom, suspenders and fedora, hollering “Stop the presses!”). Pretty sure that’s how he sees himself as well.
He’s convinced that Annie is nothing but shine and gloss with no depth of character. As they wind up working together on a project (not telling you how that happens!) he can’t figure her out. He’s set in his ways and perspectives. But as he sees more of Annie’s interactions with people, he starts to realize there might be more there than he originally thought.
The author always does an excellent job of creating the environment of Hillsboro, so that it feels natural to be moving throughout it with the characters. It’s a tad on the idyllic side, but (then again) many small towns do still have that feel.
Underneath the bucolic nature, though, the author also addresses a current theme. Through Annie, we get a cutting commentary (wrapped in the sweet romance of opposites attracting) regarding the obsession with social media and the need for the approval of strangers that is so prevalent in today’s society.
Annie’s constant need to be liked by everyone (evidenced several times, but particularly starkly with George’s assistant Mynette), covers for the unhappiness she feels deep down. The author addresses this subtly, and it gives great insight into the depth of her characters. I love this series, and I can’t wait for Rose’s story. That has to be next, right?

Author Bio
Alys Murray is an author who writes for the romantic in all of us. Though she graduated with a degree in Drama from NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts and a Master’s in Film Studies from King’s College London, her irrepressible love of romance led her to a career as an author, and she couldn’t be happier to write these stories! Currently splitting time between her home state of Louisiana and London, she enjoys kissing books, Star Wars, and creating original pie recipes for all of her books. Tobey Maguire is her Spider-Man.