Blog Tour (Review): Everything to Lose by Gordon Bickerstaff

Hands down one of the most action-packed plots I have read recently (and I’ve read a few), this book is not just a roller coaster of a read. Think the fastest roller coaster with switchbacks and loops where you never know which thrill is coming next.

There is sort of dual plot going, because Gavin (a scientist) is trying to stop the launch of a deadly drug. But when he disappears, Zoe has to find him before it’s too late. But too late for what? Just about everything.

I liked the chemistry between Zoe and Gavin. They were individuals who knew their place but also knew how they had to rely on each other. Well, maybe Gavin has to rely on Zoe a little bit more than vice versa. But she’s a badass to be reckoned with.

There is amazing science, but the author does a good job of making it easily understood. I’m not a science person and sometimes shut down if things get too technical. But that didn’t happen with this book. I was able to follow it and I learned a lot in the process.

There was also political intrigue, which is always a favorite of mine. I liked how the author made me uncertain as to whether or not I should trust a character, and what their motives actually were. None of it felt contrived but natural to the story. A revelation towards the end was especially interesting (no spoilers).


I will say that this is not a book that you can read casually. I almost felt like I should be taking notes, because there were many intricate details, connections and plot points. Trust me when I say you need to be paying attention when you read this one.

I did not read the first book in the series, so I don’t know if I missed anything. I have seen reviews that mention the action flows from one book to this one. I didn’t feel like I came in at the middle of anything, so I would say that it is okay to read this as a standalone. I really enjoyed it.

That being said, there is a major cliffhanger that will lead to book three, so if you have the time, I would suggest going back and starting with the first book, just so you get the whole story. I have a feeling that strung together, it’s all going to be pretty epic.

About Gordon Bickerstaff:

I was born and brought up in Glasgow, Scotland. I studied biochemistry, and I’ve worked in several Scottish universities where I did research on enzymes, and taught biochemistry. After thirty years of teaching and research I retired my academic pen, and took of a mightier fiction pen. 

I live in central Scotland with my wife and we enjoy reading, writing, and walking in the hills.

The Lambeth Group books follow the secret government investigations of agent Zoe Tampsin. A strong female protagonist with courage, determination, and guile. She is assisted by specialist consultant, Gavin Shawlens.


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