Blog Tour (Review): Where Lost Girls Go by B. R. Spangler

I’m always excited to find a new crime/mystery/suspense series. I find it fascinating to compare how authors address law enforcement and criminal investigations. No two are ever the same. That’s certainly the case with this book, which is unique in several ways.

I liked how it seemed that the initial crime (Casey’s daughter’s kidnapping) would be the focus of the book…until it wasn’t. That background compelling Casey’s actions was smart, as it drove her forward even as she wasn’t always exactly on the ball. I can only imagine how losing one’s child could skew a person’s perspective.

And Casey can’t afford to make mistakes, because the investigation she finds herself a part of is quite complicated. I don’t want to give anything away, but two seemingly disparate crimes run parallel. However, they both involve young girls, and it soon becomes apparent that they have more in common than initially thought.

I also liked the way Casey was introduced to the location of the Outer Banks. Sometimes the best decisions are made thoroughly by following your gut and not overthinking it; that’s definitely the way Casey approaches things. Of course, she is ultimately driven by finding her daughter, but she is also open to new possibilities.

Without giving away the plot, I will say that the subject matter is timely and something that is often overlooked even though it is a global issue. That being said, I make it a habit never to read the full blurbs because I like to discover the book as I read. I look at the cover and a short description, and that’s enough for me to decide.

In other words, if you want to know the plot, you can find it elsewhere; but I enjoyed the book much more NOT knowing the secrets that would be revealed. I thought it was a great introduction to a new character, and the series has a lot of promise. I look forward to Detective Casey White’s next investigation.


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