I’m back on a psych thriller kick. I just came off of a fantastic roller coaster of a read, so I was a little leery about jumping into another one. Fortunately, this one completely surprised me as well. (Two for two ain’t bad!)

Complete honesty here: The first few chapters had me worried. Ruby took action for a few good reasons (or so she thought), but it seemed like it all dragged on. I thought that the book was going to be more of that, and it was frankly getting a little tiresome.
But about a third of the way through, it zigged when I thought it was going to zag, and we were off to the races.
The chapters then move seamlessly back and forth between Ruby and Emma, and the depths of sinister motives are slowly revealed. There is A LOT more going on than what is on the surface. It is only at the very end that the reader gets a chance to reflect on events and put all of the pieces together.
I thought Emma and Ruby were interesting counterparts. Both appeared to be strong at some points and weak at others, but their strengths came out at different times. I also thought that both women showed tremendous growth, both internal and in terms of each other. Emma’s realizations were especially truthful, as she was brutally honest with herself (sometimes lacking in characters). She realized that nobody was blameless in the whole situation.
(I know that sounds a little convoluted, but I don’t want to give away any plot points).
I also think that Tom was one of the best-written characters I have “met.” He is complex and unpredictable. I was always off-balance with him, so the characters’ interactions felt especially “lifelike.” He was one twisted bastard. You should definitely give this one a try. Stick with it through the set up because it takes off and keeps you guessing to the very end.
About Mary Torjussen
Mary Torjussen has an MA in Creative Writing from Liverpool John Moores University and worked for several years as a teacher. She is the author of two novels, Gone Without a Trace and The Girl I Used to Be, and her new novel will be published in 2020. She writes dark, gripping thrillers and her debut novel, published in several international territories, has been optioned for television by Ecosse Productions.

- Twitter: https://twitter.com/MaryTorjussen
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marytorjussen/