Books On Tour (Review): One Of Us is Lying by Shalini Boland

I have read quite a few books by this author, and I think she gets better each time. This one is the best yet.

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I like a book that starts with a flashback and then moves to the present time, leaving the reader wondering how the first event fits in. The author does a fantastic job with that, as my thoughts on the relationship changed more than a few times.

I thought the characters were interesting, if not a little bit unfinished. All three of the main women were unique individuals, but I didn’t feel like I had a full understanding of them. There was enough information for the plot to move forward, but it wasn’t as in-depth as it might have been.

For example, there were hints about Fiona’s relationship with Nathan, but it wasn’t until the end that we find out the true nature of it, and even then, it’s more of a passing statement. I suppose I’m being a little nitpicky because the plot itself drew me in and kept me turning pages to finish this in one sitting.

I liked how the author shifted between the three women’s perspectives seamlessly. I never felt jolted by the switching point of view; each woman’s story dovetailed nicely into the others. The author also did a great job illustrating how easy it is to get carried away with one’s problems and be oblivious to issues others might be having.

(As always, I know that’s cagey, but you know how I am about giving away plot points).

I did figure out most of the overall mystery around three-quarters of the way through, but that’s not because the author made it obvious. More, I think because I have learned a lot about putting clues together through family work. The perpetrator was quite devious, however, and I liked the attention that was given to detailing the steps they took.

It was a really good, page-turning read, and I would definitely recommend it.

Author Bio

Shalini lives in Dorset, England with her husband, two children, and Jess their cheeky terrier cross. Before kids, she was signed to Universal Music Publishing as a singer-songwriter, but now she spends her days writing suspense thrillers (in between school runs and hanging out endless baskets of laundry).


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