Let’s start simple: this was one of the biggest mindscrews I have ever read.
I have read domestic suspense with tight and twisty plots, but I can’t remember one where I was so off-balance.

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The author did a fantastic job of keeping me guessing the characters’ motives throughout the entire book. In some books, some revelations make things clear even as there are more twists to come. Not the case here; everything stayed murky, and the story was that much better for it.
I liked how the author dropped hints about past events, but always with something else still waiting in the wings.
(By the way, I know this is cryptic, but it’s challenging to write a review on a book like this without giving anything away – and this is one that you definitely need to experience for yourself).
I thought the characters were well-described, and most of them seemed realistic. I did think that the American couple (Bo and Walt) verged on caricatures, but perhaps that was purposeful. It didn’t detract from the story; it was just noticeable.
I also thought that Heather’s parents were a little under-developed. I didn’t feel like I got a good grasp on them (Salvation Army volunteers, gardeners, and…what else?) There were times that it seemed as if they were supposed to be Bible-thumpers, but others where they were “normalized.” I think that is why the revelations about them in the latter part of the book were a little harder to take.
The same goes for Heather’s relationship with Jason. It didn’t seem as solid of a plotline as other parts, and almost seemed more as just a convenience to get Heather away from the drama at Copper Lodge.
I did think that the heart of the plot, the relationship between Elizabeth and Lucas, was exceptionally well-done. I switched back and forth as to whose story I believed, and that is what ultimately drove the tension and all of the twists. Right up until the end, I still didn’t know who was in the right.
There were a few loose ends, or at least a couple of plot points that I think deserved better endings (Agata and Piotr are mostly left hanging, for example). But when I finished the book, I literally asked myself, “What the hell did I just read?” And I like that in a suspense/ thriller story.
If you pick this one up, be prepared to be UNprepared as you read. Sometimes things don’t have to make perfect sense; they just have to happen. That is certainly the case with this book.
Author Bio
Clare lives with her husband and their two daughters in Surrey, where her little green shed at the bottom of the garden provides a haven for her writing life. Before becoming a writer, she enjoyed a career in television, as a researcher in documentaries and then as a script editor in drama at the BBC and Channel Four, where her love of storytelling took hold.

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