Blog Tour w/Review: Southern Heartbreaker

Jessica Peterson just keeps getting better and better. Her Charleston Heat series has become one of my favorites. Where else can you find sexy men with a sense of humor and women who can get as raunchy as they do? (Okay, maybe a few other series, but not many).

Southern Heartbreaker is by far my favorite in the series so far. From the characterizations to the plot to…well, everything, I loved every part of it.

I thought that Eva’s situation was relatable. Having success and then being stuck on how to follow it up with a strong second outing is something that just about everyone has experienced in one way or another. I loved how she figured out what needed to be done (with Ford’s help, of course) and would totally buy what she is selling!

And then there is Ford. Where to start with him? I think he is one of the more complex characters that Ms. Peterson has created. It’s not easy to balance being a doting daddy and a foul-mouthed (fairly raunchy) lover. I mean, those guys exist in real life, but writing them becomes tricky because they can easily turn into caricatures.

Not so with Ford. The scene on the boat has to be one of the most amazingly hot scenes I have read in a long time. And not just because of the chemistry between the characters, but also because of the depth of their connection that makes it feel so right to them.

I think that is where this relationship shines; they had a connection in college that never really went away in spite of where life took each of them. In a way, they were each other’s “the one who got away” and they were able to find each other again. Don’t we all have one of those? We may not want to find them, but it’s fun to live vicariously and imagine what could be if we did, right?

At any rate, this latest entry into the series is top-rate. If you haven’t read the series, start now. If you have, get this one to add to the collection.

Southern Heartbreaker (Charleston Heat, #4)Southern Heartbreaker by Jessica Peterson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The latest entry in the Charleston Heat series does not disappoint. We get Ford and Eva’s story (which is amazingly hot and emotional), and we also get updates on the other couples in the series. I love how the author has created this universe of people I would love to hang out with daily. Ford is my absolute favorite so far; I love his goofiness with his daughter and his raunchiness with Eva. It was a fun read from beginning to end, and I hope there are more in the series. For a detailed review, please visit my blog at Fireflies and Free Kicks Fiction Reviews. This review was written based on a complimentary, pre-release digital ARC of the book.

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