Have you ever had friends tell you that you HAVE to read a book (or see a movie, or watch a tv show) because it is incredible, or at the tip-top of its genre? And you think it couldn’t possibly be as good as everyone says, so you ignore it and get around to taking a look at some point, thinking you’ll give it a try? And then you realize that you’re an idiot and you’re missing out because it really IS as good as everyone says?
If so, you’re just like me when it comes to Patricia Gibney’s books.
I have seen her recommended numerous times, and people in book groups rave about her crime thrillers. I am always looking for new authors, but I tend to shy away from ones who get a LOT of hype (for the reasons listed above). I am thrilled that I finally came to my senses when it comes to her books, though, because this was one thriller that I could NOT put down.

Even though Broken Souls is the 7th in the Detective Lottie Parker series, I was able to read it almost as a stand-alone. The author did a fantastic job of allowing a new reader to enjoy the story without distracting references to past books.
That’s not to say that the references aren’t there, because they are (hard to avoid seven books in). But they were well-placed and served to move the current plot along instead of causing me to stop and try to figure out what had happened. The references also made me curious enough to want to go back and read the first books in the series, and I promptly added them to my Amazon cart.
The deftly-woven plot kept me turning pages. I love a book that reads like a television show, especially when it comes to UK crime dramas. The author did a fantastic job of tying all of the characters together, and I think she captured the nature of a small-town realistically.
I sound like a broken record, but there are no spoilers here. Just a mea culpa that I should have listened to people and picked up Patricia Gibney’s books ages ago. Consider me a convert, and I can’t wait to see what comes next!