Blog Tour w/ Review: In Alexa’s Shoes

Welcome to my stop on the blog tour for this amazing book by Rochelle Alexandra.

Alexa’s story is harrowing, but then, anything involving the Nazis usually is. She and her mother are rounded up in Poland in September of 1940. What follows is an amazing journey through heartaches and hard times, triumphs and tribulations.

The story is told in a very straightforward manner, in a narrative style, so it is very easy to follow. I really don’t want to give away any plot points, because Alexa’s story is truly amazing.

From the moment the Nazis roll into Alexa’s hometown when she is 13, to her being sold into virtual slavery to a German couple connected to the Gestapo. From falling in love and marrying to telling her granddaughter her story decades later (not to mention the fantastic discovery at the end), this is ultimately story about human nature and choices that are made in dire situations – and whether or not human nature allows people to change over time.

Alexa’s journey is especially poignant when it comes to her post-war life. It is the perfect illustration of how sometimes the hardest lessons in life come in everyday decisions.

Although I think that this is a book that should be read at any time, as an American, I believe it is especially important now. When there are members of our Congress who have no idea of the horrors of the concentration camps and throw out frivolous analogies, it becomes imperative for a brutal history lesson.

I believe this book could be that history lesson for a great many people. And beyond being an amazing story, I think that is where its importance lies.

In Alexa's ShoesIn Alexa’s Shoes by Rochelle Alexandra
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a fantastic story that could not come at a more critical time! The story of a Polish teenager rounded up by Nazis and given to slavery to a Gestapo family is brutal and heartrending. The author did an excellent job of capturing both the horrors of the Nazis and the aftermath of trying to put one’s life back together after the fact. For me, it seemed as if Alexa’s post-war experiences shaped her almost as much as her teen years under Gestapo/Nazi rule. And that becomes a vital lesson in human nature and the resilience of faith. Alexa’s story is a parable for the ages from which many people can learn. Please visit my blog at Fireflies and Free Kicks Fiction Reviews for further thoughts on the importance of Alexa’s story. This review was written based on a complimentary pre-release digital ARC of the book.

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