BOOK REVIEW: Last Words by Colleen Green

Not gonna lie, this book confused the heck out of me. It started interesting, but then took me a few chapters to realize that the author had shifted into the past as the main character reminisced. There wasn’t the usual indication of a time change, just a simple sentence. Eventually the author circled back to where the book started, but it was a really long way to get there.

I honestly did like parts of it. There were events that were interesting, and the restaurant scenes were reminiscent of the cooking shows my family likes to watch. But there was an awful lot that seemed haphazard. The growth of the romance between Amber and Jack seemed forced – it didn’t seem to grow organically at all. I kept feeling like I was supposed to expect something else from Jack because of his actions, so I was really off balance on him. I also thought that the subplot involving the restaurant and Jack’s father was a stab at suspense that wasn’t entirely successful.

This is the first in a series, so I am hopeful that the series improves, and Amber was a heroine that I could root for. I just hope that things get a little more realistic and fleshed out in the long run. My Goodreads review is below.

Last Words: Book One in The Amber Milestone Series

Last Words: Book One in The Amber Milestone Series by Colleen Green
My rating: 2 of 5 stars (It was okay)

I had a difficult time with this book. My family watches a lot of cooking shows, so I liked that the heroine was a chef. I thought that some of the plot points were good and made sense. However, there were a lot of inconsistencies with characters, and other plot points didn’t seem to be fully realized. I thought the subplot with Amber’s niece was unnecessary, and the sister and brother-in-law were distractions. Their attitudes did not make a lot of sense in the bigger picture. Sadly, I also didn’t fully understand the romance angle with Jack. There were too many red herrings to make me believe that they had an undying love. An event near the end was downright outlandish, as were the machinations of another character. This is the first in a series, so I will be interested in seeing where the story goes from here. It was an okay book, but I hope for better from the rest in the series. This review was written based on a complimentary pre-release copy.

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