It’s so difficult to review a psychological thriller without giving away important plot points. I’m going to give it a try without giving too much away. This was one of the better books that I have read lately, but it had a few flaws. The author does a good job of making the primary villain extremely unlikable, almost too much so. At some points, I wondered why anyone would put up with someone so horrible, and not just walk away. However, I will say that that question does eventually get answered. Emily, the main character, goes through an awful lot, which is par for the course in a psychological thriller. I found her to be a little weak, but there was no particular reason given for her to be that way. In addition, the other antagonist (no name, don’t want to give it away) wasn’t fleshed out enough. I wanted more reasons for and/or examples of why and how that person was the way they were. The end reveal didn’t answer enough of those questions for me. All of that being said, it was still an enjoyable read, with a fairly tight plot. I would definitely recommend it to someone who likes the genre. I was given an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.